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Everything posted by Tubbs

  1. everyone on here is saying that i should my lines 75-85ft long but how can i measure that out, i don't have a tape measure that long so how do all you masters do it? :confused!:
  2. It sounds fairly simple to do and i've never even flown a rev. I now have conformation of getting my rev EXP for christmas. any ideas on what colour to get, there are a few I want to choose form but i can't decide which one. It's between pink/ blue or blue/red or black/red. what are your ideas?
  3. I've seen a video of someone flying a rev and they make it seem like its walking. Is this a hard thing to do? Can someone tell me how to do it? Thanks in advance Tubbs.
  4. Well....as long as were all agreed, then i'll go for the EXP for christmas. P.S. what colours do you all suggest, i wasn't quite sure which colour to choose :confused!: Oh, by the way don't forget the U in coloUrs. He He He He!
  5. i still think ill get the EXP because its alot cheaper and then will consider buying an SLE leading edge for it with my own money, and its more for beginners and the wind range is fine for me soo ill take part of the advice of what you guys have said.By the way i may not get the leading edge ever but i will see where i can get it on english websites. Is this all okay with everyone?
  6. well the minimum wind is too high and its too good for me because i read somewhere on here that said the SLE is not the type of kite to buy if your gonna crash all the time (which i will coz i'm a beginner) because its a tad fragile plus the fact that the EXP is made for beginners and wont outgrow me any time soon.
  7. Tubbs

    Top 20 List

    759mph. the best so far
  8. Tubbs

    Top 20 List

  9. i wanted to know peoples views on which one out of the 2 to get. I'm fairly new to quad line as i've never flown one but i know a bit about them and some manoeuvres that can be done. In this part of England we got alot of wind in winter but hardly any in summer so i wasn't sure which one because the EXP does 3-15 mph whereas the SUL does 0-8 mph. which one do you suggest. :confused!:
  10. i was wondering what magic sticks were and what they do to the kite?
  11. from what you have said i think i will get a quad. I really appreciate all your help.when you say short strings, how short?so i can check on the one i'm going to buy.quads just seem like the best choice for me i just love the way they are flown and their "style" and accuracy and precision.
  12. i really like that video of you flying that is about 7 mins long because its not "ballet" its more you doing what you want and its so good when the tip of the kite skimmed throught the water. You were right about the heart tug thing, quad does that for me. Would i be able to just mess about sometimes like i said in my last post?
  13. those videos didnt do anything for me. I have 2 problems, 1.this is a big decision because if i dont like it then i will be upset because its going to be my main christmas present and i cant take it back because it will be from the internet and 2.sometimes i just like to mess about and not fly seriously, and just zoom it about if you know what i mean. :confused!:
  14. I'm in a predicament because i can get the rev 1.5 with lines for £155 on an english website. I really like the way you fly a quad yet i like the look and simplicity of dual but am not so keen on the type of flip tricks you do, would it be difficult for me to learn quad (i am quite an accurate person, i like to think ) this is quite a major decision for me so i need all the help i can get, and i really appreciate yours. What do u think of my predicament? :confused!:
  15. Any suggestions on where to find these videos, should i just type it into a search engine or have you got any specified websites that i could look on?
  16. but you still havent told me which one out of dual or quad to be exact or which model yet
  17. no budget really because its for christmas, but the most would be £200, no more than a couple of pounds over that really.the wind conditions are hard to explain, i live in a place in England where it is completely flat with no hills what so ever.We do get wind every so often and it can be very strong but most of the time we only have a breeze or no wind at all, this is because i live on the side of england that faces europe so we do not have any sea (apart from the British Channel)for wind to come from, so most of our wind has to come from the other side of the country that faces the sea and by the time it gets to us its died down alot or completely. Do you understand?so what do you make of my situation?
  18. thanks for your help!
  19. I'm a beginner and i was going to get the prism 3D as you can see by my picture but i'm considering getting a quad line as they look more fun to fly and do better tricks (which is what i can see from the videos on the site)where i live its not windy at all but when we get wind its very strong (because its all fields where we live so no trees to stop wind) so should i get quad or dual and what model should i get???
  20. In the videos on the website the earliest i can see you flying quad line is 2005. But i do only click on ones which say your name. Am i right or is it just that ive only been clicking on ones of you flying dual line before 2005
  21. COOL! Thanks for the help
  22. Is it okay for me to post topics on light wind kiting in here because this seemed to be the only place related to it. Thanks for your help, Tubbs.
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