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About pilot_rf78

  • Birthday 04/18/1978

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    dual and quad stunt
  • Flying Since
    April 2011
  • Location
    Georgina Island, Lake Simcoe Ontario Canada
  • Country
  • Interests
    My family, flying stunt kites, music, paintball, and video games
  • Gender

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Newbie (1/7)



  1. Congrats Robert. A sweet score indeed. Guess I'll have to save my pennies to pay the toll to cross over to the "dark side". Oh and Mr Barresi, I am also curious as to what my # is. Thanks
  2. I am also a dual-liner and would very much like to have this set. My next kite purchase will definitely be a Rev if I don't win this, but free dollars is a sweet price
  3. I haven't tried a rev yet. Still learning on my dual-line kites, but I'm sure this would suffice as a good place to start
  4. I've been looking at pyros for a while. I'd like to have a decent single line kite in my collection. 3 of them would be fantastic!
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