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Everything posted by Beach

  1. Just wanted to share this in all the right place and try out this site for a change....... Ben
  2. Very nice... Ben
  3. Okay John I'm one of the ones who thought you were away but the good thing is I'LL be there with bells on and a bag of kites...... Ben :)
  4. We have new Masterpieces on the Rev forum by Ron Gibian Family and they are cool......Ben
  5. Well all we have a new designer on board making some kite for Revolution, Mr. Martin Lester so take a look at revkites.com a check out these new kites.....Ben http://www.revkites.com/main/Martin_Lester
  6. Just remember to care a spare in your bag cause they always seem to break when I'm having the most fun. I carry a small repair bag with me at all times with a sleeving tool, extra bridle,small super glue,and 2 dollars in change for parking meters, small amount of repair tape...... Ben
  7. Hello everyone and we at Revolution wanted to get more of the family out there so we are running a special on a " complete kite package" so go to revkites.com and get yours before we run out......Ben
  8. Hello Family Well it's getting to be that time again where I'm another year older and as most of you know that means I've got to give away something way cool........... Last year we gave a Masterpiece away and this year I've had a real, real, custom B-Series made with a new idea that we were going to make available for the general public but this is the protype for this idea and because of all the work for this one kite we decided not to do the kite in this patteren, with that in mind this is the only B-Series in this patteren that we will make............... Also so you all know I was going to keep this kite for myself but being that I get a bit crazy this time year I figured what the heck let one of you own this one. So heres the deal send your name and address and phone number to me at, Revolution Kites (Bens Birthday) 12170 Dearborn Place Poway, Ca. 92064 Then on Feb. 23rd I will but them all in a bag and pick out another lucky winner for this one of a kind B-Series, then as a bonus each week after the first card is in my hands I'll pick someone out and give them a free set of race rods or a 20th anniversary t-shirt depending on how I feel........ So Family are you ready for another one of Bens Birthdays??????? Two things before I forget no pictures until after KTAI in two weeks and John will you please sign this kite for the Family as a bonus............. Ben
  9. Hello Family so everyone knows each 3 wrap, 2 wrap, and race rods are flex tested before they are put in a kite, not making excuse just informing everyone........Now on to a bit more info please understand that a 13 mph breeze does not mean that at a higher point in the wind window that the wind is not blowing harder or that you got a stronger gust, also please try to understand wing loading also comes into play, and last put not least a bad part so that being said what can I do to make you a happy rev flier........Ben beachbeach13@yahoo.com
  10. You are all very welcome and I want to thank each and everyone one of you out there for your support, and to remind each and every one that this is the time of year where we must show our love of one another, so open a door for a stranger, talk to a child, or spend some time with someone ill but please reach out your hand in some way and share the love. I remain just a guy who flies kites Ben
  11. Just go to revkites.com and the forum and look for Drachen TShirts and follow the process....Ben
  12. Hello all and once again I'm giving away things so go to revkites.com and get in on the free 20th Anniversary t-shirts.......Ben
  13. Beach

    Randy Tom

    Hello Family just wanted to give you the heads up on the new Randy Tom (Lady In The Mask) go to revkites.com and get a look or better yet get one for yourself and I'd hurry these beauties won't last long.............Ben
  14. Hello Family I was sitting here and wanted to share the fact that we got in the Jon Burkharts Indian Nation Masterpieces in and they are stunning ang the pictures don't even do them justice and I still have 2 of Bazzers Sizzles left, but what is really cool is the new T-Shirts that Bazzer designed we got them in today and these shirts are a must have for Rev fliers in my opinion. Go to www.revkites.com and go to the forum then From Rev and take a look at these shirts and give the new kites a look and remember when there gone there gone so get on board Family........Ben
  15. Well family this weeks winner of the custom frame set is Bob Matteo, so tell me what you need...... Ben
  16. Hello family with big John running around having more fun than me I wanted to do a little something to make me feel good so I thought I'd introduce a new Ron Gibbian Masterpiece ( one of five ) and not wait for John, see what happens when I'm left all alone. So bear with me cause the pictures I have don't even begin to do this kite justice but I wanted to share with all of you. I've only done five of these so they will go fast for sure cause thats how it always seems to work. So family these wil be in the range of say $550 and get your order in cause thet will not last...................Ben
  17. Well we have our first winner of the free frame set in the Bens Gone Mad In March and that lucky guy is Jonathan Levy and I hope you enjoy and remember I may be mad but I have lots of fun........Ben
  18. " Well as for me all of them" hey I'm a rev hog, but I do want you all to know I had more rev before I went to work for the company..................Ben
  19. Hey Ben, You collect Rev's or you collect quads? BB Penny Penny I look for things that are just different and my rev collection is pretty amazing as you can imagine, I love my job.....Ben
  20. Wow pretty kite in case you don't know I collect revs and would be proud to own this ship............Ben
  21. I just wanted to thank all of you that went along with my birthday give away and to say well seeing as how we started something how about a "Bens gone mad in March" with say a custom frame set for your 1.5 each week of March. Yes family I may have gone mad but so what lets have fun with it right, so lets do this one by email and we'll go from there so email me at beachbeach13@yahoo.com and just tell me I'm not mad just a little nuts and I'll pick one a week and build you a custom rod set per your orders......................Ben ps don't forget your contact info so I can call you and see what you want
  22. Thank you very much... Thanks like yours helps drive me each time, and really makes it all worthwhile. I also had a really good day on the demo field with it today... Dogstaking off poles, flying under trailer trucks, through tents, flying in 0-3 mph, teasing the other fliers and manufacturers... Ohhhh, I was boogying down in a big way... Had an "on" day of flying, really fulfilling and it drew a great response. Duly noted. Now John you know we both had fun and we were extra nice to all those who could'nt fly and my friend it was as always a blast to see you again...............Ben ps tell monk the monkey will be in Texas sent it today
  23. I to do have a stack mine is 14 1.5s but I've syacked them all at one time or the other so feel free to contact me if I can be of any help................Ben
  24. Hello Family its me Ben from Revolution and in honor of all your support over the years, and my birhtday coming up on Feb. 23rd, and mostly cause I just can heres what I want to do for someone out there. Im going to give away a masterpiece Jose Sainz on Feb. 23rd and its real simple how to get in the drawing, send me your name, address, phone number, and email address at Revolution Kites (Bens Birhtday) at 12170 Dearborn Place, Poway, Ca. 92064 then on my birthday, Feb. 23rd, I'll pick one of you out of the hat and the kites yours....................... hmmmm my birhtday and you get the present, man do I have issues............. But really I can think of no better way of honoring you than giving you a part of Revolution for free because" it's my birhtday" Ben
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