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Everything posted by Kirkey

  1. I LOVE flying to music!!! I haven't done it with my rev yet but I have a little two line parafoil that I have jammed out with lots. I put my headphones just over the tops of my ears so I can hear my surroundings and crank up the ipod. I'm an EDM (Electronic Dance Music) Kid which is usually high energy and driving beats, so if you have the wind to push the kite it makes for some amazing choreography! Once I get more time behind the strings background music will probably become regular, living in the midwest there's not alot of other background noise and our winds are never that loud so even a small boombox could provide accompaniment while still allowing banter.
  2. Yes thank you Reef Runner your advice fixed it all, thank you everyone else for responding as well they are all helpful hints and especially thank you Dust! It's always great to have a friend to fly and troubleshoot with! Once the lines were equalized she flew like a dream, and as soon we have another day with enough wind I'll fine tune everything and she'll be perfect. I'm excited to have remedied my problem with such ease, and I'm glad to have such a wealth of knowledge only a few keystrokes away! I cant wait to share this knew hobby with the rest of you and as always happy flying!
  3. Hello to all my fellow kiters, it's great to be a part of such an amazing and diverse group of people! I recently purchased a Rev Blast from Into the Wind but decided to get my strings from a vendor in china on ebay. First and foremost the line lengths were ridiculously off and were apparently not pre-stretched so I've had to do lots of adjustments to keep them even. But my main problem is my kite has WAY too much reverse authority. My handles have to be parallel to the ground for launch and foreword flight, occasionally to the point that my bottom strings cross my tops. I plan to eventually purchase another set of strings (might be awhile with my first child around the corner ) but I don't want to waste the ones I've got. Are there any suggestions on what I can do to get my kite in the air with less of a headache? Thank you all for your help and I look foreword to sharing my new love with all of you, happy flying!!!
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