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Marshall Placid

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Rev 1.5 SLE
  • Flying Since
    July 2013
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Marshall Placid's Achievements


Newbie (1/7)



  1. Thanks guys. I'll read Watty's article. Actually, I flew it today (maiden flight) using 50# 90'. Almost no wind. Unfortunately, it was too long... I will heed your advice and use shorter lines, which I thankfully have: 12' and 20' ones. And yes, it's twitchy when powered... very twitchy. And, when it does load, it loads quickly with a lot of power/pull.
  2. Wow. Wow. Fantastic. And everybody was "in sync" .
  3. Hey guys. I just got an indoor rev for the sole purpose of flying outdoors in no wind or low wind conditions. What handles and lines should I get? I was thinking of the regular 13'' handles + 50# 90' (around there) lines? Any advice is much appreciated.
  4. Wow thanks guys. Yes, practice practice practice. Got it. It's just very tempting... you know... after watching those street kiting videos by Mr. Barresi! hehe. Yes, I figured to adjust the knot lengths or bridle lines, not the line length itself. But wow.. 7 to 10 inches more on the top leaders ... more than the brakes? That is a big difference. I think I'll adjust my regular 80/90' lines and see if that improves my stability first.
  5. Thank you John! Yes, I will definitely try it on the fields first. With a "ton of brake", I am assuming the brake lines should be a little shorter than the top lines.
  6. Hey Guys! So now that I've tried the 1.5 SLE and the Supersonic... I'm inclined to say that the Supersonic is much more fun but less precise. To my chagrin, it is not as fast as I expected it to be... On the other hand, I was surprised I could fly it in the same wind conditions as the 1.5 SLE. I thought I needed MORE wind to fly the supersonic. I love the speed and I can do the inverted sliding movement much easier on the supersonic than on the 1.5 SLE. ANY way... Back on topic: I want to try the 1.5 SLE on short lines, and use it on a walkway/street/pathway like how Mr. Barresi does it in his videos. What length and weight of lines should I get? And, what about handle length? Also, can i do this in a "no wind" or very little wind situation? So I would pull on the kite more often, like an indoor flying technique thing? I believe the ones I have that came with the 1.5 SLE is the 13'' (the normal ones that comes with the 1.5). Any advice is MUCH appreciated.
  7. Hey guys! I have the Rev 1.5 SLE, but I want to go a little/much faster... I was thinking about getting the Shockwave as my next kite. May I ask, all things being equal (same wind speed), between a Rev 1.5 SLE and a Shockwave, how much faster would a Shockwave be? Just want to get a quick mental picture of how a Shockwave would fly compared to a Rev 1.5 SLE.
  8. I know that the term "Master" is funny in a way. But, in reality, that is what the AKA calls tournament winners or the tournaments themselves (ex. Masters Ballet, Masters Multiline, etc.) Mr. David Hathaway won 4 AKA Masters tournaments/trophies, and he is also a member and co-founder of Team Iquad with John Barresi. Just someone to follow and aspire to... And.. of course, to not look ridiculous when flying the rev when in the same park... and that takes practice practice practice. To even have a minuscule percentage of what John and David has in terms of skill would be... fantastic!
  9. Thanks guys! Read the article, and it was exactly what I have always tried to do. I flew today (8th time) and practiced some upright left to ride sides with some success. Question: May I ask if a bicycle rotation is a slower version of the fast spinning trick taught in the DVD by Joe Hadzecki (included with the Rev kite)? Spinning trick = keeping one hand steady, but twisting the other hand forward A LOT. Bicycle rotation, assumption = instead of applying a lot of forward twist to one of the hands, I would apply less forward twist on one hand and a backward twist on the other hand? ---------------------- To Mr. Barresi. Thanks for the awesome website! I fly regularly at the local beach/park and Diane came up to me and we talked for a good 30 minutes. She mentioned Mr. Bethel lived nearby and Mr. Hathaway lived nearby and I was flabbergasted when I found out that so many Master kiters lived nearby! This is indeed some motivation for me to practice practice practice (and have fun in the process). Diane, if I remember correctly, said she stood beside you at the 64 Mega-grid WSKIF 2010 record.
  10. Hello kiters! I just bought my first Rev (1.5 SLE) about two weeks ago and flown it about 7 times. I've been trying to practice some the technique and tricks, but there are just so many things you can do with the Rev. I need your help in determining what to start with and what to do next as I progress along from the easiest to the hardest tricks to do. Here is what I CAN do with some ease: 1- Launch kite and land kite. 2- Upright hover 3- spinning the kite quickly (as shown in the DVD that was included with the kite) - please note this is not the bicycle rotation trick... but just the very simple spinning trick 4- Fast forward.... then abrupt stop for diving, rising, left to right, right to left. here is what I can do SOMETIMES, but need more practice: 1- Horizontal hover left and right 2- sliding up and down, but sometimes moving left and right while sliding up and down (so need more practice). 3- Landing with left or right tip down. 4- "walking" the kite here is what I cannot do: 1- bicycle rotation (stationary) - every time I turn the kite trying to keep it stationary, the kite just goes forward in that direction. 2- Bicycle rotation (while sliding left to right) 3- Catch and toss (tried it many times, but just ended up with the lines tangled AND... the kite never ever drops on top of me... it always drops at least 10 feet in front of me... even when I am sure the top wind window is already reached) here is what I have not yet tried: 1- Inverted hover 2- Inverted hover sliding left to right) 3- Stationary grid turning and pausing and turning and then pausing (like the bicycle rotation but... pausing each time I turn a little bit). I haven't tried this because I CANNOT do the bicycle rotation (see above). Based on this information, what trick/technique should I try next so that I progressively use my learned experience to do harder tricks? And, because I am a newbie, when I do these tricks and practice, should I do it in borderline "launchable" winds (5mph) or really high wind conditions (20mph)? Thank you guys!
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