Hello kiters!
I just bought my first Rev (1.5 SLE) about two weeks ago and flown it about 7 times.
I've been trying to practice some the technique and tricks, but there are just so many things you can do with the Rev.
I need your help in determining what to start with and what to do next as I progress along from the easiest to the hardest tricks to do.
Here is what I CAN do with some ease:
1- Launch kite and land kite.
2- Upright hover
3- spinning the kite quickly (as shown in the DVD that was included with the kite) - please note this is not the bicycle rotation trick... but just the very simple spinning trick
4- Fast forward.... then abrupt stop for diving, rising, left to right, right to left.
here is what I can do SOMETIMES, but need more practice:
1- Horizontal hover left and right
2- sliding up and down, but sometimes moving left and right while sliding up and down (so need more practice).
3- Landing with left or right tip down.
4- "walking" the kite
here is what I cannot do:
1- bicycle rotation (stationary) - every time I turn the kite trying to keep it stationary, the kite just goes forward in that direction.
2- Bicycle rotation (while sliding left to right)
3- Catch and toss (tried it many times, but just ended up with the lines tangled AND... the kite never ever drops on top of me... it always drops at least 10 feet in front of me... even when I am sure the top wind window is already reached)
here is what I have not yet tried:
1- Inverted hover
2- Inverted hover sliding left to right)
3- Stationary grid turning and pausing and turning and then pausing (like the bicycle rotation but... pausing each time I turn a little bit). I haven't tried this because I CANNOT do the bicycle rotation (see above).
Based on this information, what trick/technique should I try next so that I progressively use my learned experience to do harder tricks?
And, because I am a newbie, when I do these tricks and practice, should I do it in borderline "launchable" winds (5mph) or really high wind conditions (20mph)?
Thank you guys!