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Beginner - Freestyle or Handles?

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Before I order...

I've been looking at what comes with the purchase of the Prism Hypnotist kite - "control straps" only are listed, meaning if I'm not mistaken, the kite comes only equipped for freestyle flying - one line in each hand. No mention of handles...

So my question is - can anyone point me to a preferred handle to purchase that will allow single-hand control of the kite?

I'm sure that using a handle will limit the type of stunts possible - but, hey... I've never flown yet, and I don't expect to be doing any stunts initially, and probably very few for a long time.

And I guess that an associated question might be, 'Can't I just make my own handle?'

Any thoughts you may have, I'd much appreciate...



You will want to start with the two control straps. Flying a dual-line kite with one hand is much more difficult than with two hands and is generally used by folks flying multiple kites by themselves.


You will want to start with the two control straps. --Lee

Well - I'll take that under advisement - but, I fully intend to try to fly multiple kites at some point.

Anyone else have any comment - or has anyone else used handles on dual-line kites?

Thanks to all for your time...


Sure! I used handles for years before straps became the clear way to go. My favorite were Sky Claws. Very easy to roll up the lines. Thing is, though, before you try flying two kites at once you're going to want to get pretty good at flying one. Yes, you can purchase or make handles. But why not just learn on the straps you have and then when you want to double up make the appropriate handles? I've never flown multiple kites. I find one is plenty hard enough. But I'm sure there are others on here who can help you with the type of setup you need. But seriously, get some experience and proficiency with one kite before doubling up. Gotta walk before you can run!

Best of luck,



Cut two (inch to inch and a quarter dia.) dowels about 14 inches long. Drill a 1/4 inch hole about 1/2 inch from both ends of each dowel. Tie a 10 inch loop of heavy line through each hole and tie your kite lines with a larks head knot to these lines. It's cheap and quick and a friend of mine and I have flown for a couple of years using them. Prepare yourself for a lot of crashes, but in time you'll get it.



Good advice! I'll certainly need to get good, very good, at flying a single kite before I try two or more. And you are probably quite right about spending time with the straps - particularly if using them makes the initial lessons easier. I'll be 'walking' for a long time, I expect. I know there is much to learn - likely far more than beginners have any inkling of... ~grim grin~

Also to Jim...

I'm sure you're quite right too, about crashes - and likely complete inability to control or get out many 'in trouble' situations. It took many a sailplane and hundreds of hours before I could fly the winds for four and five hours at a time in places no one else dared try.

Thanks too for some idea of how long (and strong) the handles need to be. What you describe sounds very easy and inexpensive.

I suspect I'll eventually build my own handles of shaped aluminum tubing in a slight arc, using the same kind of holes - only a great deal of time, trial and effort will tell...

Many thanks to both of you...

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