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First, a confession. I'm far more interested in exploring the limits of two-line kite planforms than flying the latest and greatest stunt kite. This doesn't mean, btw, that I don't appreciate [and stand in awe of] the performance skills of fliers of 'standard' 2-liners and quads. I just have a somewhat different interest, is all.

This being said, I've built [and flown] several 'V' shape 2-line kites, a standard Eddy planform as a 2-liner and a square 2-liner flown on the diagonal. [A yellow reference spot near the nose of this kite, with the main sail realized in black ripstop nylon, dictated the name 'Bauhaus', of course.]

From here, it's into some of the more exotic shapes. Bukas, with their magnificent 'landscape' surfaces available for artwork, are next.

Anyone else out there plowing this particular 'north 40' of the two-line acreage?


Haven't had a chance to take any pics of the 'Bauhaus' square stunter yet. [i use the term 'stunter' to define any kite which can be steered by 2 or more lines, regardless of planform.] Flew it yesterday for the first time. [sidebar: Telescope makers, of which I'm one, speak of the initial observations with a new instrument as 'first light'. Can we speak of the first flight with a new kite as 'first sky'?] It self-launched nicely from a 45 degree 'on-edge' position. It flies, like a BASF, on the diagonal. The wind at the park was, as usual, highly variable - chock full of puffs and holes - so I didn't get a good opportunity to wring out the kite. It was one big grin, though. The kite is 36" measured diagonally, or approx. 25 1/2" on an edge. Area is 648 sq. in. Lines were 85' 50# dacron.

The wind dropped a tad and I shifted over to flying fighters. Grin spread still wider. The crazier the wind, the more intricate the 'dance'. While I appreciate the advantage of 'clean' wind for line-touch competition, I much prefer flying solo 'in the rough', as it were. Spent a solid hour lost in 'Kiteland', that mystic realm we visit whenever we get the chance. I must admit that the controllable kites [fighters and the 2 and 4-liners] add something to the experience for me which I miss when flying a self-stable kite.

Next, on to designing and making a 2-line buka-dako. The first 'trial' attempt will be a Tyvek® #10 sail on dowel 'bones'. My Lady has graciously agreed to do the decoration in acrylics.

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