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Hi there

I'm looking to buy both a Banshee Scimitar and Banshee Chikara kite in good working order or even broken -- in fact in any condition :P . Anyone have either of these for sale, or know where I could obtain them? (Incidentally, I'm based in the UK.)

The only links I can (now) find to the kites to which I'm referring are:


Pic: http://www.kites.org/kitefantastic/kite ... hikara.jpg

(The Banshee Scimitar, along with an image, is also in this on-line database.)



or http://web.archive.org/web/20010518025012/...m/Bansheekites/

It seems that the guy who used to make them -- US-based Skip Parks -- is no longer in business. The company's Web-site used to be here: http://members.tripod.com/~Bansheekites/bprice.html

All the best


  • 14 years later...

I used to fly next to Skip in San Diego in 1989, in a park off I-5 named Tecolote Field.  His kites were excellent.  I would love to have a Scimitar myself.  I also met and flew with Randy Tom (Hyperkites).  I comissioned a stack of 12 Hyperkites from him that I cherish to this day.  Sadly, all the manufacturers are gone...Top of the Line, Hyperkites, Banshee...it's all been replaced by cheap Chinese crap.  1989 was truly the heyday of stunt kites, and I was at the epicenter of it all for one magical summer.  I knew the guys and flew their kites.  Incredible time in my life.  Good luck in your search, if you haven't already found what you're looking for.

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