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Dean J

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    force 10
  • Flying Since
    the 90s
  • Location
    sartell, mn
  • Interests
    power kiting and action sports

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  1. I am looking for the bigger one. Thank you so much for the info and pictures. My son and I have also desired to try building some single skins as well. I will keep in touch. Thanx again for everything.
  2. Cant wait to hear from you
  3. Man I hope I can find one. Those pictures are great. Thanx I will keep looking and keep asking.
  4. Well i was looking for the big one, but I could look at what you got. Can you throw some pictures up??? Thanx
  5. I am looking for a Revolution Powerblast 4-8. Any one know of a used one? Thanx
  6. Dean J

    C-quad 6.3

    I am looking for a C-quad 6.3 Any body want to sell one? Any body know were I can get one? Thanx
  7. I am starting to build a NPWC type sail for power kiting. I have always used .75 oz rib stop but I plan to build a sail in the 5 to 9M2 size. Is there a point in which a builder would want to step up the weight from .75 oz to 1 or 7.5 oz material? For strength , etc? Thanx for any info. Power on and fly safe.
  8. Believe me. It works great in the snow
  9. The trick with the right single line foil is that the main line is connected to one end of a bar then the other end of the bar is connected ti the rear of the foil, thus controlling the pitch of the foil. Works out kind of cool without using lines. We used to long board all over like that. 3.5 meters is the absolute low end for size. We have flown 2 liners off the bridle. Some worked and some did not.
  10. I am looking for a single line foil to do some skate boarding/snow boarding experiments with. P-60, Power Sled 81, etc. Anybody have some thing, I would love to talk with you. Power safe!!!!!
  11. Any of these kites left? Thanx
  12. i would like that very much. Just building up my inventory again
  13. Please feel free to contact me if you want. Dean at mary_vinn@q.com Thanx
  14. Does anybody know who has a C-quad 6.3 for sale?
  15. I am interested in the C-quad 6.3 if you still have it?
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