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Great to see you have two new exotic Sportwings.   I was hoping you would post something about the Neos.  The red geisha kite is spectacular also.  I am also glad to hear you will fly the Neos Omega as I would do the same thing if it were mine.  I really considered getting in on the bidding but held back for some unknown reason.  Now I know the reason.  I am very happy a fellow KiteLife member acquired it.  

Best wishes from out here in the mountains.  SHBKF

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Thank you.  The bidding got really crazy the last minute or so.  It took me a while after the bidding ended to realize I had the winning bid.   Then I was literally jumping up and down.  Now I'm waiting for just the right day and right wind to give it it's first flight.

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That  Red Geisha Revolution is really beautiful. Not something that I could fly, but it's very nice to look at. I can't say the same about the 80's colors on the other one, but I do appreciate it's part in history. Congratulations on your new acquisitions !

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