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A Nice Sunny Winter Day ?



Yeah, how often does this happen ? A crazy nice sunny day, right in the middle of Winter ? Only on a weekday ! Turns out, I had an early morning appointment that finished up early, and I didn't have anything to do for the next 2.5 hours... Except drive to the nearest beach and see what I had in that bag that's always in the back of my car. Winds were around 5mph, onshore, so it was perfect for the Widow Maker standard. It was in the 40s, but the bright sun was there, keeping me warm. Any warmer, and I would've been sweating! I have to give a shout out to @NewbieFrank, as this is his home beach. Too bad he was at work !


Too bad the powers that be felt the need to put that nasty looking fence on top of the jetty, it would've looked so much nicer without it...

BTW... the distant landmass (~15 miles away) is where I more typically fly, and this beach is usually in the distant background.


This shot almost captures how nice this kite actually looks in the sky !


I've only flown at this beach a few times, but the exposure is great for flying winds from the N, E, or W.


Sharp eyes will notice that I'm not flying on my normal LPG line. Yes, the Yellow lines... they're not so bad as long as the wind is low.


This is the only shot I got without that rusty old fence in the background. It's a really pretty beach otherwise, and not as rocky as where I usually fly.


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I usually fly at the west end of the beach.  Being a newbie, I stay away from rocks and fences!  :P

Rob is a pro, though, so he can tip stand on a fence post in a gale with his eyes closed while eating a sandwich.  Apparently he can also photograph his kite while simultaneously flying it!  Told ya he was a pro!



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Now, I wasn't that close to the fence... it's the zoom effect of the lens making it look closer. I would never put the Spider in any kind of danger... if I were going to play with the fence, I would be flying a Rev !

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LOL!  Yeah, I know you weren't close enough (nor would you endanger a kite) by being that close.  I fly nearer to the playground, about 100 yards west of that spot, especially good when the tide is low.  The beach is entirely deserted this time of year, and the sand west of there is smooth, flat and even, so even a klutz like me can keep his feet.

The parking lot is another matter.  After a rain or when there is melting snow, giant puddles form which cannot be navigated on foot unless you enjoy ankle deep cold water.  Then the east end is best...seems the lot is a few inches higher there, so you can get onto the sand without the need for SCUBA equipment.  :P

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