I have tried flying a Kaiju on 75' lines as an experiment. One of the festivals I go to, there is next to no wind in the morning and the advertised start time of the festival is usually a little before the wind picks up. So, I was experimenting with what I could fly a routine with in those conditions. Given that I only had 90# line, the 75' lines created a lot of drag. The kite itself was rather floaty, but I could not control it very well because I would lose "tension" in the lines. They were too long (and heavy) so they felt too spongy. Granted, the wind was also not coming from a steady direction, so the kite would get pushed around in ways I didn't want it to and I couldn't give it the direct inputs I wanted to. 50# line probably would have helped, but it's still a lot of length to drag around for a kite that you don't want so much wind that it pulls hard enough. Can it be flown outside on 75' lines? Yes. Will it help a beginner be less frustrated? Not likely.