Kite: Rev B-series Std
Wind: Between the Rev Indoor and B-series Std
Frame: 3 wrap tubes in the LE (guess that I was lazy enough not to swap them) and 2PT in the downspars
Lines: 8.2m (27ft)
Handles: 13 inch
After a visit to the dentist I looked for distraction, so that I wouldn't think of any pain when the anesthesia ceased. I just happened to had packed the kite bag in the car before going to the visit. Could find a small space by the sea. Had to stop frequently in good time not to worry passers by. Half the wind window was OK wind from the sea and the other half was behind a small tree with sparse branches. The main "mission" was just to do "the normal stuff" and not try to be affected by the conditions.
Sometimes this tangle happens when doing catches and glides. How to avoid it? Make the sleeved loop shorter or tape around the sleeving knot (or just remove the sleeving altogether some would say)?
When the wind is tangential (somewhere) to the a bit rounded pier I instead use the 15m (49ft) line set here.