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Everything posted by Mr.Lane

  1. jeep you're the winner bud 1 3 4 2
  2. Who needs a man cave, when you have a kite dungeon
  3. A simple "I'm in" will get you in. The pick happens 12.11.15. Comes with handles and kite Can be converted quad line. Only flown 4 times. good luck Standard Karma Note from the Moderators This is a Karma Drawing. The winner of the drawing is expected to pay it forward by offering their own prize for the next drawing. Please do not enter unless you are willing to offer your own prize, preferably not the prize you just won. Drawings should be open for entry approximately 2 weeks, and the next drawing should be posted as soon as possible to keep the Karma rolling. These drawings are run by and for KiteLife members. The moderating team only ensures that your drawing post contains all of the pertinent information (drawing date/time, adequate prize description, drawing rules) before approval. If you are a KiteLife forum member from the US or Canada, you are eligible to enter. You do not have to be a paid subscriber. Members from Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii are welcome to enter the Karma drawings provided they are willing to pay half of the Karma prize shipping cost. The method and timing of the payment will be agreed upon between the two parties after the drawing for a particular prize. Here is the link to the original Rules and Guidelines thread: http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5426-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/ The mechanism for the drawing itself is entirely at the discretion of the person offering the prize. In the past, entry number has been determined either by order of entry or by the post number in which the member declares entry into the drawing. The drawings have been performed using the RNG method (http://www.random.org/sequences/) or by choosing the numbers out of a hat (I believe an adorable daughter did the picking in that scenario). The only requirement is that the method of selection is clearly spelled out in the drawing post. Entry into the drawings is done by STARTING a post in the drawing thread with the entry phrase chosen by the drawing host (Traditionally "I'm in", but "I LIKE" has been used as well). In order to remove any confusion or misinterpretation, only entries with posts that START with the phrase will be considered. As with all other KiteLife drawings, bantering is encouraged. This is for fun after all.
  4. Yayyyyy i won. Ok i want to post for my kite to give to karma. What is the sight i use for the RNG..?
  5. I'm in. Come on rng I need a wing
  6. Congrats D. Haha I forgot about this until I saw an email. It's a gr8 kite. Enjoy it.
  7. Mr.Lane

    Unlimited Kiting

  8. And it says you can't receive new messages
  9. They are custom. Both. And I have no clue why the picture came out like that. They are both 2s. My friend is a rwb nut and he gave them to me for a good price, bc I can't afford them.
  10. Mr.Lane


    I'm 220. And it might be quite some time before I get a pb or shockwave unless someone wants a trade lol
  11. Bout are 2s, angle is weird
  12. It didn't take long haha I'm hooked.. Thanks for the welcome guys
  13. Mr.Lane


    Well you know I love power. But after you let me fly your rev (first time holding One), I became hooked on the control aspect of kiting. But I just can't shake the itch for power. Now I want power and control.
  14. Mr.Lane


    So you both tease me with this talk of awesome power blast. You evil men
  15. Don't know what the fs forum is haha. But pm me you have my attention
  16. It wasn't I had the rods out of it to get sand out of them.
  17. Lol it's crazy how that picture turned out
  18. hey message me on here if you still wanna trade zen for full vent

  19. The angle is just bad. But they are the same length
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