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Everything posted by Bugly

  1. Antman nice story but terribly off topic. Cant you just create a new thread rather then posting it as non sequentuer? Unless you have a rev you are selling for $50 and have bridled it as a dual line kite.
  2. Bugly


    The standoffs? For VERY light wind push the connector towards the centre T slightly (say inch) to reduce the tip wash. This will get you a SMALL improvement with light winds. Also adjust the bridle by sliding the knots to the nose in small increments. This will give you more 'drive' at low speed. BTW if the rubber connectors dont move try a a little detergent.
  3. Ok personally I like neither kite - but if I was forced to choose between them I would go for the E2. The build quality on it is more consistent. The FC is not a very refined kite although with a little effort and time it can be improved. It can get quite tractive (not attractive) as the wind picks up which is not all that much fun if freestyle is your goal. Both kites can do tricks - I think the E2 is a bit more user friendly in that area but I really think you will quickly move on from it. In all honesty the L1 Xtreme is a much more capable kite in that price range that will still be fun to fly after 6 months. There are a large number of good to great kites out there - a lot realy depends on what you want to spend and what sort of feel on the lines you are after.
  4. its funny when a person says hey I want information on kites A,B,C the immediate response is what about x,y,z. Yes there are lot of kites out there (mmm I have a reasonable cross section) but its not productive to list every other kite under the sun. Especially if you have not flown any of the kites in question. And yes THERESA is tops - she puts a lot back into kiting and is a wonderful person also. Robert
  5. Personal preference is for Laser Pro it seems to wear better the Shanti (although its a near thing). I have taken to using some of the spectra fishing lines (makes for very cheap line sets) and they seam to have reasonable wear and take a reasonable number of wraps before binding. The downside is that they are very stiff initially and you need to perservere for a while to wear them in.
  6. Mark the original settings but unless the kite is maladjusted to begin with practice your turns, push pull etc, snap stalls axels etc. In general move the tow point forward in very light wind and back as the wind picks up. Moving the tow point back will make the kite easier to stall but increase the pull. Really only adjust for wind - the rest is you.
  7. Bugly

    kite bag?

    Mate I live in Brisbane and recommend getting in touch with Briskites - he can get prism bags/ rsky etc I have 4 prism rollups and they have been very good - but I am about to add an RSky bag to the collection for my Rsky kites. It looks sweet. Email me if you want details
  8. L1 Genesis Vent,Std,UL,SUL Amazing Jack in the Box Light, Vent Jtm std and Vent X-Treme Green Mistress Sea Devil Light CDC Shiva Comp Stx 1.8 Stx 1.9 Stx 2.3 Comp l'atelier XTS STD, UL, VV XTR STD, UL, VV Lynx Pilot and Feather Masque UL and Std XMasque Std and Rage Cesium and Cesium Continental Plasma Oxygen RSky Nirvana 3 std, LW,WW, HW (one std is collector ) Krystal Std,LW,WW Krystal FX 2 std,LW,WW (one std is collector ) Frenezy and Frenezy Evo Next "Up" Opium Std UL,HW Opera Std UL LW Dutch kites XS and Sub0 Air Ouvre Volplane UL Disaster Mohawk UL the kite formally known as Skylark Skyburner Delta Drive std and UL Heat Std Freestylist Std Aerostar ZeroStar AllStar Sano SS and SSL Spica EX Benson Gemini Deep Space Jest of Eve's Trident Carl Robertshaw Fury .85 Rev 1.5 SLE 1 SLE Supersonic and a few cheapies. OK now I know why I am broke (but happy ). My A bag is currently 4 prism rollups that are mmm stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey. I have told my long suffering wife that one of those new RSKY bags may be a nice Xmas gift being large enought to house my RSky kites.
  9. The Freestylist comes in under (well under) $200. It is a class above the FC in build quality, compenents and flight capability. Sure its not RTF but the line set supplied with the FC is no great shakes, You could get a decent spectra lineset and straps for the Freestylist and still come in under $200. I had a demo FC and was underwhelmed with it. The Freestylist is made in the US by heads up sails and like all the Skyburner kites it comes well built and well designed. The Freestylist will take you at lot further and give you pleasure for a longer time then the FC. It however is your money. Robert
  10. And learn to move quickly you may need to run down wind to keep the kite stalled or move upwind to stop the kite descending to fast. You need to move the entire body to control the relative wind speed. If you stop and watch the kite and appreciate your skills you may end with egg on your face
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