I'd like to get into quad kites, and I'm looking for a cheap(ish) beginner kite. I don't fly often enough that I think I will ever be an expert, but I know that quads are not easy to learn, and picking the wrong beginner kite makes it even more difficult.
I'm heading on a beach vacation for the next two weeks, and expect that there will be a few good days to fly, so I'd like to pick up something in the area (Florida Cocoa beach/St Augustine), and the only kites I can find at or under $200 are the Rev Exp, HQ Mojo, or NewTech Volkquad. I'm also trying to see if I can pick up a used Rev, but don't want to bargain on that.
So, long winding intro over, from what I've read:
Rev Exp is ok, but a bit sluggish.
The Mojo is quite twitchy and nobody really said anything truly positive about it.
Volksquad is a bit of a dark horse, not much out there, but the price tag of $160 including lines and handles makes me wonder if it is worth considering.
I've also seen good words about the Freilein/OSKUSA Vertigo, but it is not easily available in the area, and a bit more pricey than I want.
At the moment I'm leaning towards the Rev Exp, but was hoping someone here with more knowledge could weigh in.