Hi there,I'm total newbie. I live in a pretty windy area and as I have been fascinated by flying (mostly free flight aircraft models) I thought I could get some of use of the wind, instead of complaining about it. I've been tinkering with flying a stunt kite for a while (flying kites is considered a child activity, mostly in autumn in my area - but who cares). I've been amazed be tricks that are possible with just two lines, and what is better relax in this overtechnologized age than a kite attached to your arms in a wind...no electronics, no internet... so I have bought Orao FYF 500 as my training kite, I have done first flights and I am learning the basics to control the beast.now, as I know from my other hobby - one kite wont be enough, and as my b-day is approaching fast, that rises a question - what kite to but next as a step up for somone who wants to get into a world of tricks an master them after I learn basic stuff? I see Benson kites are considered as one of the best - superfly or supernova? other options? lot of the links for kite making brands are dead already, it seems I'm late to the party. I was also playing with an idea of building one by myself (due to my nature of liking to make and build stuff), based on the open source plans, but as I don't own sewing machine and buying the materials would cost a fortune it's not very feasible option-but maybe one day, who knows, when I introduce my kid into the world of flying