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    two lines and qund kite

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  1. thank you very much ,that is a problem about math,it is so funny. thanks, haha, I finally understand why knot 3/4 for top line and 1/2 for boteem line.
  2. Why the even spacing for the top knots is wider spacing than the even spacing for the bottom leaders?
  3. Thanks,how long from top handle to the first knot that is i hope know.
  4. Let your top lines all the way out on the leaders, and try to launch
  5. thank you , I from China,you can give me some advice or draw picture for me. Ok ?
  6. How to make handle lines,thank.
  7. thank you,I am from china,I think buy it for me so hard ,thank you so much.
  8. where to buy it? I like it
  9. thank you,I will learn qund kite with you image.png.5489d394a2fbbfa3d869de662ec8e6d8.png


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