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Everything posted by samritter

  1. Add another vote for the SLE 1.5
  2. Buggying with a SuperBlast!!!!! Now that was fun!!! Last I did that was on Ivanpah 2003. Joe Hadzicki and I were out. That kite can really cut up wind, much more so than the foils. Imagine doing 20 mph with the kite going backwards. Joe couldn't believe it when I did that. I think he got 40mph(Timed by GPS) out of the SuperBlast while I could only do about 30mph. I had to be nice to his kite. I would have popped his lines if I went for more. The kite requires fine control and really depowers nicely!!! Sam
  3. I heard my name being mentioned.... Hi John, Hi Penny!!! It's been a very long time... I haven't been flying that much except for the events that we go to. But it's like riding a bicycle you don't forget. I think for me it's all muscle memory. My stack is adjustable from 4 to 16 Rev 1's, so I really haven't been adjusting the rear bottom lines, it's all in how you fly the kites to keep the back ones from falling out. You also get good at fixing the fallout messes while flying. Lee and I have had some pretty good messes that we just fly out of. Usually one of the best things that you can do to clear your mess is a bit of brake, maybe a shake here or there. It all depends on how the mess happened. I'll try to stay in touch, at least pop in here from time to time.... Sam
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