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Everything posted by captainwow

  1. Hey Bob, I'll be at the Stormboarding event in February. Is that what event you are refering to? Cheers! Chris http://www.stormboarding.com/kitestorm2009.html
  2. www.deadbirdbuggybash.com It is almost time. Check out the website for all the details. Galveston, Texas November 19th - 27th See you there! Chris
  3. Kitelifers! I have discovered my Air-YO vertical game! It is like opening the door to another dimension. By pulling 'down' on the control line, the Air-YO rises. Yes, it has lift! To be more specific, when you pull down as the Air-YO passes overhead, the leading edge of the Air-YO rises (The leading edge is the direction the disk is moving). It is possible to rock the Air-YO back and forth way above your head. Soon, you learn this pulling motion can be applied to the Air-YO when it flies closer to the ground. I've seen Tim Elverston at Wind Fire Designs do some fantastic looping action, which he attributes to this downward pulling motion. Try some experimentation next time you are out. Penny - The pleasure is all mine! I need to ask he factory to send some caps. I don't have any here at the moment. Cheers! Chris
  4. Hi Kitelifers! Feel free to contact me directly if you have had any problems with your Air-YO. If a rod or ferrule breaks on you, I'd be happy to replace it. New Tech Kites has done a little experimentation with the graphite spars and I think we've found the right formula. If your sail flies off the spars it is because the tension line on the outer ring needs to be tightened. The line used on the Control Rod is Spectra line. With extensive use, it is possible to wear it out. However, the line is replaceable. We also have a new promotional and instructional DVD available to Kitelife readers. Email me and I'll send you one. Enjoy your Air-YO! Chris Shultz New Tech Kites ChrisATnewtechkites.com
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