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Everything posted by Merlion

  1. There is a online kite shop down in Australia, called BrisKites. On their Flying Wings page are some impressive pics of the FW Soul. I think the site address is briskites.com.au for those interested in Soul pics
  2. Hello Gentlemen, I am not sure if you have been made aware of this yet. But there are some modification's that you might need to contact Premier about for the Widow. These are both structural and bridle mods. If you can't get the information direct from Premier. Then may I suggest you contact Skyburner Kites, and ask Jon T or Marieanne T to email you what is necessary. To then improve your Widow's. I fly a Widowmaker, and have heard from them direct that these mods need to happen to get the best from the Widow. Regards, Merlion
  3. Could just be my indiviual kite n' bridle....but my SL 2.5 UL WILL NOT WING-TIP TURN OR SPIN ON IT'S WING TIP... in normal winds with the 3POINT PRECISION SETTING...NO MATTER HOW YA TRY... After switching to the TURBO...no problem...except on that setting the kite foward drive and speed is SOOOO SLOW-MO! Interesting problems you are both experiencing gentlemen.. May I suggest that you offload some of the ballast on the keel, and then try again. As there is an excessive amount of ballast supplied with the SF 2.3 and 2.5. It is then up to the individual to make the SF do the business. There is not a trick out there that in the right hands the SF 2.3 or 2.5 won't do gents.. There is no need to mess with the bridle settings either, as tinkering will only make matters worse. Lose the ballast and see the difference. There are many sportkite flyers who are having great experiences with the Flying Wings Silver Fox range. So if at first you don't succeed, try and try again... Regards, Merlion
  4. Level One "My One"
  5. That would be very nice indeed! I live in Sengkang, just 5 mins drive to the same field:) I fly there every Sundays from 4.00pm onwards. On most weekdays about the same time as well;) Do let me know if you're around, I want to learn more. No concern at all, actually I got mixed up, its the Soul that has that feature Yup, I have "Freestyle Pilot" DVD from Prism. Agree with that, its always nice feeling when I manage to do a trick for the very first time. What a rush! Hello Layangman, I am usually at Punggol field on the weekend's, though depending on my work schedule. Weekdays are out though because of work also, and sometimes if I am overseas flying sportkites. The Benson DVD's are far more extensive, and also allow for accelerated advancement than anything else put out there. You will see what I mean, if you were to view them. I also fly Soul, and have for some time now. Very different feel at 2.4 specs, than the SF's at 2.3, and 2.5. The guy's I know over in Johor, are using Soul's also now. The Soul is certainly, a very fine sportkite, though I have changed out the Dynamic frame to a Skyshark frame now. 7PT LE, P100 TS, P200 S, 7PT BS, this combination works great. I fly a lot of sportkites equipped with Skyshark frames these days. I might see you there next weekend. Regards, Merlion
  6. Yup, my mistake and thanks for the confirmation:) Hello Layangman, You can place the tubing on the 2.5 yourself if you wanted to. But I don't know what you'd be doing to get the excessive wear on that particular section of the bridle. The bridle line used on the Silver Fox range is very resilient. I have thrown a heck of a lot of freestyle flying at both my 2.3 Std and 2.5 Std and Vdt over the past 2 years, in varying wind ranges all over the world, with no problems at all..? The Soul has the tubing for the exact reason why it comes with the interchangable shortened outboard standoff's. In the case of excessive wear when going for a run in continual reverse lazy, and also very aggressive multiple backspins, and multiple roll up's. I did a very similar tubing mod, to my Benson Deepspace a few years ago to reduce this problem. Bell Chiu's done some great things with the advancement's of his Silver Fox range and now to the Soul, and power to him... As they are all great sportkites.. Regards, Merlion Hi Merlion, Yes, been thinking of using heat-shrink tubes to do that. Anyway, you are from SG right? Where do you fly? I am very new to tricking and just learning the basics for now. Hello Layangman, Yes I live in Queenstown, been in SG for many years. I usually fly with some friends at Punggol, at the large field area off Punggol Dr, and Edgefield Plains. Or, I go over to Johor and fly with some guys I know over there too. Once a month I catch up with some sportkite flyers who come down from Penang, and we get a good session in as well. As mentioned before, I am surprised that you have a concern with the SF 2.5's bridle..? If you feel it necessary then use the readily available 3 mm clear tubing. You may find heat shrink a little thin in the wall thickness, and wearing easily because of this. See how things pan out for your mod anyway. Just a helpful hint for you. If you haven't seen them already, I would recommend you acquire copies of the Benson DVD's Trick or Treat and the earlier Benson DVD. Both are the most extensive teaching tool you could use for learning, and improving technically. Also Bell Chiu has some You Tube videos, that aren't bad either. Or if you catch up with me, I am sure you will have a great flying session too. No worries. Don't be concerned that you are new to sportkiting. Just be openminded enough to all aspects of the discipline. As there is much more than just freestyle... Most of all enjoy your kiting, and thrive from the experience Layangman. We might catch up with you at some stage on the field. Regards, Merlion
  7. Yup, my mistake and thanks for the confirmation:) Hello Layangman, You can place the tubing on the 2.5 yourself if you wanted to. But I don't know what you'd be doing to get the excessive wear on that particular section of the bridle. The bridle line used on the Silver Fox range is very resilient. I have thrown a heck of a lot of freestyle flying at both my 2.3 Std and 2.5 Std and Vdt over the past 2 years, in varying wind ranges all over the world, with no problems at all..? The Soul has the tubing for the exact reason why it comes with the interchangable shortened outboard standoff's. In the case of excessive wear when going for a run in continual reverse lazy, and also very aggressive multiple backspins, and multiple roll up's. I did a very similar tubing mod, to my Benson Deepspace a few years ago to reduce this problem. Bell Chiu's done some great things with the advancement's of his Silver Fox range and now to the Soul, and power to him... As they are all great sportkites.. Regards, Merlion
  8. Best Freestyling Bang for the Buck Sportkite..? 3 come to mind, Level One, My One, which will do everything known and more. Level One Jump, it may be small in size, but is a trick machine in capable hands. The 3rd Silver Fox 2.3 Std, this sportkite speaks for itself. Once again, it depends on "how many bucks you have to bang with"..? Regards, Merlion
  9. Hello Dean, Like everything in life, I suppose it comes down to what you are happy with. By paying a little more for quality, then you get the true experience. Be rest assured, Makka's MEFM sails are excellent, and truly top notch in fact. When you get things back on track, and you have the MEFM flying again. Feel free to contact me, if you desire to know more about the yo yo's and roll bar "specs and mods" for MEFM.. The MEFM 2 vent Missile is a very slick sportkite, so is the Meteor. There is also the "mods" with keeping the bridle out of the way of the bow string, and stand off's too. Once again though, it is all about what you actually wish to do, and your expectation's with the MEFM experience. Regards, Merlion
  10. Hello Dean, I have been flying sportkites since 1985, and both Bordelan's and Makka's (Warren) MEFM's since my first one in 1992. I have about 9 different variants of the MEFM design from Featherlight, and Microlite, Standards through to custom 2, 3, and 4 vents. If you are looking for something to fly in zero wind outdoors, have a look at Makka's Microlite. It is something else indeed, as nothing else comes close to it. Rays featherlight, was innovative for the time, but Makka's Microlite is a dream on 15lb, 20lb or 50lb. The longer the flying line the better too outdoors. These days I use more modern designed S, SUL, and UL sportkites for indoor, tricking, pairs, team, and quad. Then there are times, when I wish to fly individual precision and ballet routines for demo's, and wind depending, I still revert back to MEFM . Regarding Scott A, I still have many videos from WC's at Seaside, Berkley, and Japan. Also some from my time in Hawaii, when flying individual, pairs, and team at K park, and with Rob and Alan from Team HPK. Now those were great days, and excellent times in sportkiting. We were all dog staking Rev, as well as Rev and Dual flying back then. Some of us from time to time still do now, as it's no big deal. Though this is a personal choice more so these days, as "old school is still good school".. Regards, Merlion
  11. Hello Dean, You recently had an inquiry about not being able to get a new sail for your MEFM..? A friend of mine down in Australia, still makes MEFM sails to full specification's. His website is www.mefm.com.au Regarding, attaching yoyo stoppers, and roll bars to an MEFM to achieve more complicated tricking..? All has been done over a decade ago, with great results. There is still nothing in my time in sportkiting that comes close to the precision of an MEFM. There are other sportkites these days which "do all the current tricks", but MEFM still stands alone for the purpose it was designed for. Many awards all over the world is the proof of this. It is a bit like all this "Hoo Hah" about dog staking Rev's, and also flying Rev and Dual line at the same time...? Been there, done that , in the late 80's early 90's, and from what I have seen of the newer breed these days. One fellow still stands out as the best in the business for this type of dual combination flying, Scott Augenbauer...... Regards, Merlion
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