I was first introduced to dual line kites about 20 years ago. I was very interested in it for a couple of years and flew as often as I could before eventually setting this hobby aside to free up time for my other interests.
Well, about 8 years ago, I had been bitten by the kite bug again while looking at a friend Into the Wind catalogue at college. I ordered my own copy of the catalogue...then spent the next 8 months drooling over the pages. My pops suprised me that christmas with a Progressive Line - VooDoo (which I still love to fly). Again I flew when time and conditions permitted for a couple of years...and again my kite hobby got pushed to the back burner.
Since then I have gotten married, had a child, bought a house, taken on several more hobbies, and setteled into a great graphic arts career. So with my time at its most premium, I'll be if I didn't get bitten by that *!#* kite bug again. Only this time my reaction to the bite is more serious than it has ever been...I don't think there's any turning back now. I'm back out flying at every opportunity (even if it just 20 min. on my way to pick up my daughter from the babysitter), and my kite bag is growing (my wife gave me a Prism Flashlight for our anniversary, what a woman!)
Now I want to get into competition flying. And I guess what I'm asking (after the bit of my kite history) is for any advice on getting into the competition side of things (eg. things to consider for both technical and ballet, choreography, what to expect my first time, etc.). Any insight will be appreciated.