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Wayne Dowler

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Posts posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. My take is that Rev has misjudged loyalty to the maker  and not the "logo". I personally feel that Bazzer is one of the finest makers out there, Anything made by him is quality and well thought out. Rev seems married to this new Reflex technology (it's on all their sail lines), and not everyone is on board with that as the solution. They stopped producing the kites we used, where do they expect us to find replacements if they don't make them? I turned to Phoenix as the solution, because I had several sails wearing out. 

    Let me say this - Rev has all the respect i can give for all they have done. But they just aren't making what I need. If I don't like the Ford, I try the Chevy, or Dodge, or Toyota, or Honda, or etc, til I find what suits me.

    • Like 1
  2. No problem. Report back on how it goes and if you need any other advice, just ask.

    One other piece of good info - If the kite is going to crash - LET IT! Step forward, take all the power out and just let it go down. Better to have to set it up again, than find broken parts. Pulling just drives it in harder.  Learn to "Give to the Kite"! Your wallet will thank you!

  3. Discounts?? LOL!!! The town milks every penny out of the festival attendees. I have friends that found it cheaper to rent their RV space for the whole month of August, than the 2 weeks around WSIKF. Last year saw about 5 or 6 folks do the monthly thing. Won't be a bit surprised to see more this year.

  4. 2 minutes ago, makatakam said:

    Yes, it's morally wrong to copy patented items for personal use, but it's not illegal. Ball can roll either way from the top of that hill.

    That isn't what I'm saying. I am saying  that Rev is commercially selling a design from another source. Now if Rev can substantiate their claim to the artwork, great. If not, then they are guilty of doing to others, the very thing they so fiercely defended for themselves.  

    • Like 1
  5. Nothing new Sari, just a warning that there is a VERY SHARP flake of metal, where the holes were drilled for the ring. Be careful it doesn't cut you as you remove the vinyl cap. Use good pliers to open the ring and don't scar up the vinyl cap as you take everything apart. You'll reuse it. First set takes maybe an hour to do, after that, much less. Good, cheap, easy way to do snagless out of regular handles.

    • Like 1
  6. Just  remember - you can't get 2 quad sets of 120's out of 900'! Plan out ahead of time what lengths you will need - before cutting!

    You can get about 2 sets for the price of one doing it yourself, just time consuming to make it right. If you have time and patience ......

    • Like 2
  7. On my street rig I did something similar to sacrificial loops, but slightly different.

    When my  bridle wore out at an end cap, I trimmed the old bridle down to the knot for the loop. Tested it to be sure it would hold under load. Then made loops  long enough to replace the originals and larksheaded them on using the knot still on the bridle. Seemed that all the wear was occurring at the loops, why replace a whole bridle? Cheap but effective fix. 

    • Like 3
  8. If you plan on getting pre-made lines, there are 3 I know of - LPG, Skybond, or the line from OSK. Used all 3. LPG is best IMHO, tight weave, reasonably slippery, decent lasting. Skybond is very slippery to start, but as the coating wears, not so much. It also has a bit more "bunjii" feel to it. OSK line is good stuff, using it right now. A little less expensive than the others, but durable enough to handle the beating I give it in team flying. Not bad for the price.

    Let me qualify this somewhat: I'm a serious team flier that eats lines. Some years go through 2 sets. Good lines are your only connection to the kite. Get what is reasonable to your situation. But yes, 90# (or in Skybond 100#) is the way to go. 50# is for days of almost no winds.

  9. I had a friend make a special winder that lets you bunjii the handles down, then wind to the kite. He actually put 2 bunjiis on it - one for handles, one for lines. Works great at festivals for clearing the  field fast, then setting it back up to fly for performances. I only uae it as a temporary thing, I like regular winding at the end of the day. These were the basis, my friend expanded on the idea. Never did like the handle wrap myself....

    No automatic alt text available.

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  10. That should fit - but those frames (Reflex) are a larger diameter tube and will not mix with any of the older frame parts. Depends too on the fittings used, if they accept that frame. Anything Reflex should accept Reflex frames of the same size.

    Edit: The EXP is in the 1.5 sized family. Rev is using 5/16" tubes for that Reflex system. Older tubes were 1/4" and won't fit if mixed. Old frames should still fit, but won't have the Reflex system. So it's sorta one or the other. And it depends on the fittings too. The new are setup for the 5/16" rods, the old for 1/4". I believe they do have a fitting that will accept both, not sure how available they are?

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