From the album: Rigs & Tools
I made this back when I first started flying stunt kites. I was really concerned about keeping the lines sorted. Also, I usually flew alone, so being able to lay out and wind in the lines easily was a concern. Note that the reels are doubles, so that each line in a lineset wound separately. Note also the "combs" in front of the reels to separate the lines. (Really obsessive about keeping the lines untangled!) Bungee cords to keep the reels from rotating in transit, and to lock down the line-ends. Double stakes, so it wouldn't rotate as I pulled lines off or wound in. Obviously, space was not a concern, as I drove to flying sites or kite fests in my old Bronco. Several of the linesets are braided Kevlar.
Now, of course, I realize that if you wind on and wind off in exactly the same way you simply don't get tangles or twists in your lines.
© © 2010 Peter W. Meek, Ypsilanti, MI