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Everything posted by JasonOsteo

  1. Tick tick tick.....
  2. Received the kite last week, very nice indeed. Haven't had a chance to use it yet due to the weather and emergency callouts conspiring to stop me. Maybe next weekend and I will post a couple of pics.
  3. But, you know you have to keep up with the latest suite of apple madness. Meanwhile, my last win is winging it's way to me and I will be keeping my head down, just in case I win this one too. (Smileys broken here for some reason, but I am on a mac so probably my end)
  4. Thankyou all muchly! Will really enjoy the kite, been looking at a tricky type two liner for kicks. Will e-mail details to you Mr.JB as soon as I get back to the land of internet. Lucky connection right now and it's taken a loooong time to get to this page! Should be back tomorrow or Monday. Ta!
  5. I have no idea on the fancy tricks as I am 4-lines only. However, I bought a Salsa II for the girlfriend which she rarely uses and have found sideslides easy enough to do. Fly to the edge of the wind window, turn the kite upright and walk forwards to de-power it. It should slide towards the middle of the window.
  6. I would imagine the Beach to be a lower power than the standard Symphony, which has a deeper wing.
  7. Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Please
  8. Sorry old chap, I snuck in earlier and snagged Duane's offer.
  9. Hmm. Trying to think when I got my Rev I. I bought it from Flying Colours in Frimley, UK from a chap called Dennis who owned the shop. It was the first one he had in, and was about £200 I think. Definately around 1988/9 I believe. (Maybe someone at Revolution knows when he got his first rev in?). Rev II was the same, as soon as he had one in I bought it. A nice Sedgewick taft, probably my most flown kite.
  10. Hi I have a Salsa II, don't fly it much as I fly Revs but I have been impressed with it. I found the standoff attachment on the bottom spar (spreader?) to be completely different between the sides. This was easily corrected by sliding them across to be even. There is a marker on the lower spreaders to ensure you put the correct end at the centre. I haven't noticed any problems with the sail bunching around the spar attachments, or the knot you show in the picture. I will have a look tomorrow to see what is going on there. No idea about the bridle, I would leave well alone until you are proficient at flying it and then 'play'. If you do any adjustments the key rule is 'one at a time, test and form a conclusion before making any further adjustment'.
  11. Thankyou for the welcome and wishes of luck (No fingers crossed I hope!) Best of luck all. Forgot to do a sig. Have to sort that out.
  12. Thankyou Duane! I have been a 'public' member for a few weeks, but paid my dues this morning. Wha'd'ya say Mr. JB?
  13. I'm here! An hour of fiddling about with my old paypal account and finally setting up a new one, but finally got there Dear RNG I recently had an unfortunate event with my 21 year old Rev II. It has served me well and provided many many many hours of enjoyment, but I feel it needs to be retired. I would very much like a shiny new vented B2, especially as this was my 'high wind' kite and a vented would be ideal. (fingers crossed!) Jason (Oh, and any aches and pains you have I will sort out for you )
  14. Brilliant.
  15. A vented is MUCH smoother in a strong wind. Doesn't pick up drive so suddenly and irons out the small variations nicely.
  16. Looks idealic. Dunstable was about 24 gusting to around something that gave a decent pull on a full vent and even a teabag at times, chilly, cloudy and ever so slightly damp. Fleece and windproofs required!
  17. Kiteworld do them too. Slightly more local but probably more expensive (the buy in £ tax).
  18. If you intend flying together in the same airspace, I would second the matched pair suggestion. However, if you are looking for the cheapest way to cover a wide wind range, then I would go with a full sale and a vented in the JB package. This gives you 1x 2wrap, 2x 3wrap and 1x 4wrap frames. The vented should be good to go on the 2-wrap at about 8-10mph when the full sail will be very happy on the 3wrap. However, the flying characteristics are somewhat different. The vented will feel extremely precise and smooth, the full sail a little less forgiving and more prone to reacting to gusts. Can't comment on race rods as I have never used them, but I would say that the people I fly with seem to use them a lot. Just be warned, this is a very addictive form of kite to fly. I suppose they are a little like golf in that you can play but will always have room for improvement!
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