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About Oats

  • Birthday 05/20/1993

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    All rev's, but the big ol' Rev I holds a special place in my heart.
  • Location
    Jacksonville, Fl
  • Country
    United States
  • Gender

Oats's Achievements


Newbie (1/7)



  1. Love the color scheem on this kite. This will match my B2 perfectly in a stack. You can go ahead and put it in the mail if you like!
  2. no no Scott, I believe what you meant to say is Sean's precious!
  3. 4 days! I can hardly wait!
  4. Congrats Scott! cant want to see it in the air.
  5. how could I resist this? Im in also!
  6. When all else fails, look to next prize drawing.
  7. Ah, Now I know where you are talking about. There wasnt any parking nearby so I just decided to take the easy route hehe. It is only about a block down.
  8. Ah I just rememebered that you talked about this thread! You can catch a brief glimpse of the coffee plant on the right in the first couple secs of the vid...other than that its too dark to see. Nothing impressive flying wise though and im afraid the camera man was only but a pile of old tarps. Its a shame that they recently starting locking the fence near this field though...parking is a bit of a pain.. but every once in a while I manage to slip in there.
  9. The day approaches! Good luck everyone.
  10. I always get excited when I see revs on raffle.
  11. Congrats m8! do enjoy them for all of us.
  12. How could we sleep on the eve of such a momentous occasion?
  13. Finally the months of waiting are over!
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