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Michael E. Allen

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Everything posted by Michael E. Allen

  1. Wayne, I believe you said what I was trying to say. It was a custom that I saw. After you helping me figure out what I was trying to say I think it is a B model I will be shopping for. Thanks
  2. Reef runner, thanks for your advice. The only reason I brought up the sail is, from what everyone is telling me the poly is better and lighter. I have went to the revolution web site and it does say rip stop nylon. But I have not figured out if you can order the kite from there site unless it is in the masterpiece collection. It does have a link to find store so I clicked it and have found a few online shops from there find a store link that sell the 1.5 SLE with a poly sail at least that's how it is advertised. (1.5m SLE) So If I don't have a lot of extra money laying around because I am medically retired and I dont have a lot of expendable income It would make sense to me to buy the best quality I can afford. If you were in my position I think you would want the best product you could afford also. That is if the poly is that much better because they use it in the B models. Still doing research, someday REV owner Mike
  3. I thank everyone for there comments and advice and the links that everyone posted. It has helped out alot. After much research I think I have figured out what I am looking to buy. Which would be the following. REV 1.5 or B model with a rip stop poly full sail. " with a SLE and a 3 wrap " REV 13in. handles with line adjustment's LPG Line set of 80# and 120ft or something close to that. I think this would be a good start for me if you think I might benefit from something different please let me know. So if someone has a used set up like this that they would be willing to sell please PM me. Thanks, Mike
  4. That's good advice, thanks. I have driven a skid steer for fun not real good at it but I can manage. With all of the great advice on here I think I will be able to learn it pretty fast. I tend to learn things fast anyway. First time I got my hands on a dual line only crashed 2 times, but then again I just fly it. I have not done any tricks. I to can impress others that have not flown a dual line, but put me beside a trick pilot and I'm not so impressive.
  5. I thank everyone for the info. Here is another question, what is the best sail material for the REV. Only reason I ask is I have seen different material on different models. I'm just trying to get as much info as I can in my head before I buy my first one. Oh yeah and as far as me being confused I seem to stay that way till I learn as much as I can. So all the great info you all have given me is helping me out believe it or not. I dont mind being razzed its all in good fun. But I am confused a little about the frame sets, do all frame sets fit all sails? Can I buy additional frame sets and if so where? Thanks
  6. I noticed there are different handles and different lengths. Could someone tell me the difference in them? I am in the market for a REV so if you have one that fits the items listed below please let me know. I was also wondering what might be the right REV for me to buy as a starter kite for me. I'm looking for one that will fly in wind of 2 to 20 mph and not break at the first impact.
  7. I have wanted to learn to fly a REV ever since I ran across them on you tube. But at the same time I have looked for a video that showed the very basic's in controlling one. I have seen a few but it all looked confusing to me. I had been looking for the video how to fly a REV for dummies (me). Until today I found a video that is perfect for learning the very basics on keeping the kite In the air. I am so thankful for finding this because now more then ever, I know there is hope for me. Not sure if I am allowed to post links to it so I will just say thanks to Joe. I am so excited this week I will be looking for anything I own to sell just so I can get me a REV and start learning to fly. Sorry I don't have any kites to sell I only own two right now. One of which I just bought used from Charly and got it today. If I can post link please let me know. If I cant that's ok . Thanks, Mike Quick someone call a nurse I think I got a fever.......
  8. I thank everyone for the help.
  9. I was just wondering what line I should get for a dual line kite. I understand that kites require different line. What I don't know Is the best all around line for its lasting ability. Line that does not Frey or break easy, least amount of friction and so on I'm sure I am missing a few questions. So I am trying to learn about different line and the differences between them. Laser Pro, Laser Pro Gold, Spectra, Dacron and so on. Ultimately what is your go to line for best performance?
  10. Would love to figure out the difference In stunt kite line. could someone go over the basics like best lasting, least amount of friction, least likely to break or snap, stuff like that.I'm sure I have left out some other questions concerning kite line that should be used for a dual line. Thanks for you help
  11. I would like to say congrats to the winner of the REV, I'm sure you will enjoy it. I heard that the lucky subscriber number was #1100 Oh wait that was the number John said I was..... :cat_lol: I just thought I should say that since you all have showed me so much love.... Oh and just a little note I know the drawing has not taking place yet. But it would be nice to win, It would be kite #3 for me. "Not the 3rd kite I have won" but #3 kites in total. good luck everyone.....especially #1100
  12. I Like the last three words the best. It makes me feel at home, the reason I say that is because it sounds like something my sister's or brother would say to me. Who knows mom might even say it, if the mood hits her. I would not mind if you won because I'm sure you would sell me which ever kite you had to take out of your bag to make room for the new one. Who knows you might even be so happy if you win you might even give it to me free. LOL Yeah like that would ever happen. Anyway have a great weekend. Mike
  13. John I'm new and would like to know my subscriber number when you get the chance. And hopefully see a few good Pics from your latest adventure. Mike
  14. Reasons why I still think I should win. I'm sure most of you already own a REV, I however do not. While I was trying to find my subscriber number I noticed I am the only member In Kansas. There for If I was to Win I'm sure it would help grow KiteLife.com. Oh and I'm sure it would help market the REV . Still can't figure out my subscriber number. If I don't win that's ok, It just means someone here would have to sell me one of there REV's Hope you have a great birthday Pete
  15. Thank you. I have read some of the articles and it has given me some great stuff I did not know. Then again just about any info is going to be stuff I did not know. I'm just ready to learn more then the basics. I think this will be the place for that.
  16. Also I'm sure you can tell. I'm not that great with a computer, I apologize for that.
  17. I am new here and to kite tricks in general. I was wondering how do I register for the B-Series VTD Package, I have never flown a quad line, but I have seen the you tube videos and it looks cool. I just joined GWTW forum also. I found KiteLife.com while I was looking at the Kite Classifieds page. I only own one kite right now, it is over 10 years old. I am currently trying to buy another one from Charly in the classifieds page. I know everyone wants to win this kite, but I would like to start filling my kite bag, that is when I buy a kite bag. LOL Thanks, Mike AKA= ( True Rookie )
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