Hi Everyone,
I am new to stunt kiting and got this kite as a gift (see pics). I was wondering what level kite this is and what to expect from it. I ask because I am looking to pick up some new kites and want to make sure I get something appropriate. I have flown it once in over-powered conditions (>20 kts) and it was a hary-scary blast! It took quite a pounding at first (read: lawn-darting) but I managed to figure it out eventually. I absolutely love flying, but after seeing some of the videos of the tricks, am wondering if this kite will do basic tricks in the right conditions.
The kite is called the Vertigo by Premier Kites and I can't for the life of me find a single mention of it anywhere.
Any thoughts would be appreciated, and if this is not going to do anything besides fly in circles (and squares, and figure eights) I'll be looking to upgrade.