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Everything posted by dmcneil

  1. Jay, Thanks for the Flying Wings tip. I will definitely be reading the reviews and watching the videos. Other brands as well. I'll repost when I finally pull the trigger. It could be a while....
  2. hmmm, is there a store that will label my credit card bill "Mens Shirts"?
  3. It's too late for me. Hooked already. I am a wind junkie by nature having windsurfed most of my life. This gives me something do do when I can't get to the water or the wind isn't strong enough. I am surprised it took me this long to discover the sport. The upside is my kids will love it too and they are just getting old enough to try it out.
  4. Thanks Jay. I looked at the Quantum and it's still a possibility given the good feedback on it's endurance factor... trying to keep it under $150 for now, so the Shadow is at the top of my budget range (and I would probably break it and end up spending more).
  5. I was looking at the 4D as a potential for the no-wind/light wind days, and possibly a Hypnotist. Two totally different kites, I know, but I am going back and forth on "do I get something I can use most days" vs. "do I get something I can use some days". Would like to get both, but probably going to be tough sell to the Wind-Indifferent-Financial-Enforcer.
  6. Never would have thought of just upgrading the lines. Something to think about. Would you recommend sticking with the same length (70 feet)?
  7. Hi Hadge, Thanks for the response. Thanks also for the advice on the lines. I have been reading up quite a bit on beginner kites, and I am still deciding. My biggest dilemma is that I am an hour plus inland and get little to no wind most of the time. For that reason I am looking at ultra-lights, but having less that 4 hours flight time, I don't want to get something I am just going to break right away.
  8. Hi Everyone, I am new to stunt kiting and got this kite as a gift (see pics). I was wondering what level kite this is and what to expect from it. I ask because I am looking to pick up some new kites and want to make sure I get something appropriate. I have flown it once in over-powered conditions (>20 kts) and it was a hary-scary blast! It took quite a pounding at first (read: lawn-darting) but I managed to figure it out eventually. I absolutely love flying, but after seeing some of the videos of the tricks, am wondering if this kite will do basic tricks in the right conditions. The kite is called the Vertigo by Premier Kites and I can't for the life of me find a single mention of it anywhere. Any thoughts would be appreciated, and if this is not going to do anything besides fly in circles (and squares, and figure eights) I'll be looking to upgrade. Thanks, Dave
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