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    Cayman Islands
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  1. Hi Dayhiker, Hey thanks man, will try and join chat sometime, just in work at the moment. I hope to solo the Quantum this weekend, so really looking forward to that. D
  2. Thanks a million guys, looks like this was a good topic to stir up again. Danny
  3. Hi Hadge, Awesome, thanks for that link, just doing it now, really appreciate the confirmation on this. Cheers Danny
  4. Hi New to this Forum, and i just got a Prism Quantum, I saw these clips and thought omg what are these. I have just got back into kite flying after over 35 years of being away from it, so i went and did all my research to see what is new and how things have progressed. I see we now use the Larks head hitch to attach the lines to the bridle, but when i saw these clips i was stumped. So my question is, should i take these clips off and use the normal Larks head hitch to attach to the bridle? Cheers Danny
  5. Welcome to the forums drmgcm69 :)

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