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Everything posted by Andyschism

  1. You mean I have to run! Man thats why I started kite flying in the first place *huff huff huff* :-p
  2. How about some slayer.
  3. Yeah its still a crap shoot when I go, winds are about 7mph at the Naval Academy which usually means that they are between 10 and 12mph at the bay bridge.
  4. When I was first flying my kite for the first time, It would never go up or stay up. It was actually cuz I had the line going under the lower spreader rather then over it, once I did this it went up (of course crashed after awhile) but it actually took off and went up.
  5. I do own a light wind kite though
  6. No wind! I live 3min from the bay if anything there is too much wind most of the time. When there is no wind I go and train. I also work a job it costs me to go kiting though $3 a shot for an entrance fee, so I always make sure to check the weather before I even put my shoes on.
  7. Light wind kites not worth it??? Oh man, you must not be located anywhere in the mid-west. If it weren't for light wind kites (SULs) there are many a day that I wouldn't get any airtime at all. Chris Deff. not, located on the east coast woosh.
  8. I dont think light wind kites are worth it personaly.
  9. Andyschism


    Jesus christ $10,000 how many lawns did you mow?
  10. I'm trying to get rid of or trade a Prism kite that I have and the place I bought it from and Prism are being of no help so far.
  11. Just got my replacement part in the mail after being in transent for 2 days. I'm trying to get rid of or trade a Prism kite that I have and the place I bought it from and Prism are being of no help so far.
  12. Actually, its a premier and I recently got an email back from the nice people there saying they are going to send me some replacement parts. Premier is based in Maryland which is where I'm from.
  13. Ok I will do that, is there a better type of rod that I can replace the spine with besides carbon? I'm not to worried about money (god that sounds horrible) but a replacement shouldnt be very much. Thankyou.
  14. Recently I was flying my Premier Addiction, and totally crashed it. Saw the fabric kind of flailing and realized I had finally broken my first kite. Shrugged it off assessed the damage and realized that I did not just break the spine, I shattered it. Trying to find out how can I replace this part, and where I can get one. Size of the kite is : 72 x 28 in. 109 x 43 cm. Any other information I can provide, just ask for it. Thankyou.
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