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Jason Mockler

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About Jason Mockler

  • Birthday 11/12/1973

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Snapshot 1.2, HQ Yukon
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Hesperia, CA
  • Country
    United States
  • Gender

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  1. Today was a good follow up to yesterday... I really started throwing it around today... Doing dives and inverted stops... When I got to the field the wind was about 20mph... So was hard to be delicate... I would say I ended up on the ground a lot more today, but would say I had more success today too... Learning that I need longer leaders on my tops... Wrists got a workout...hahaha. Was a blast had to finally pack it in cause it was starting to get dark...
  2. I used this technique today... The lies looked kind of twisted up, and I was like do I want the unhook, and work through it al... Nah... Launch, much easier to see what you are looking at once in the air... Landed it back down spun the handles, and saved like 15 minutes walking back and forth...
  3. I'm sure I will get more accustomed to it... Right now just being extra cautious, worried about getting things tangled, that is all..
  4. My dualies have that... Will have to rig something up...
  5. Ya I was being ultra paranoid of tangles... so I walked back and forth a lot making sure everything was good...which brings me to a question... Obviously your lines are identified for power and brake lines by different color sleeving... do you guys also mark lines for right and left in some way, to make sure they are going on on to the kite right?
  6. Yes it was a little intimidating until I launched, and then it just made sense...
  7. Hi all, Well, today was the day... I played hooky from work, and took out the Mid Vent I had borrowed from a friend. I hooked up my brand new 90ft 90# lines to the 15" No Snags, and tested the line length on the lines I got from The Kite Shoppe...dead on!! (Thanks Theresa). So I was about to get the Rev out and hook up and the sprinklers came on... The breeze was a steady 12mph, it was about 98 degrees, so basically like a hair dryer blowing on you. Needless to say I channeled my inner child, and ran through the sprinklers for a while... AHHHHHH much better. Ok sprinklers off, time to get down to business. I got out the Mid Vent and hooked it up... after much trial and error with the lines... JB makes it look so damn easy on the video, I got it hooked up correctly. Personally I am good with some trial and error to reinforce the right way to do things. So I grab the handles and like a good student squeeze the right break, and whoomp the kite flips over into launch position. "Ok Jason, so far so good... how is this gonna go?" Only one way to find out... LAUNCH! The wind takes it all the way up, and i squeeze it back down a little, "ok this is cool, I can feel how I need to correct when it starts to wiggle left and right... small corrections"....WIND SHIFT... uh oh 180, crash! but, it was a good crash, I know what went wrong. Squeezed the right break and whoomp, ready to launch again... LAUNCH! Flying good now... forwards, backwards, aim right, aim left, move forward and backward... such an awesome time I loved every minute of it!! I even tried a little inverted hovering... I was not great at it, but, I had a blast, and now have a reference point for what everyone is talking about. Was a great session, and I can't wait to do it again... SOON!
  8. Like family members... Hahaha
  9. But where is the fun in that? You miss out on spending all those thousands and thousands of dollars on different Revs trying to find the right one. Not to say that that sounds really all that bad, actually sounds kinda of fun.
  10. Paul, That is an incredibly generous offer! If you are willing to do that, I would be more than willing to abuse it! Hahaha. I will take a more serious look into getting a Shook. I mean the kite does sound pretty amazing considering my typical flying conditions. The Shook is not unreasonably expensive, however, I think for someone like me with no experience, it would be unnecessarily expensive.
  11. steady as she blows Tmadz!! every day... been thinking about posting a picture of the flag on my block every day to illustrate the conditions here... flag stands straight out...hahaha
  12. Thanks SHBKF... was fun chatting with you the other night as well... I like your thoughts on the subject... sticking it out with standard and working through the different conditions. Good info...
  13. Thanks Dragonfish... I am looking for something that is not overpowered as well. Vented is looking better and better. It was also a pleasure talking with you in the chat room the other night.
  14. Rob, I like the look of that kite, and the wind range is pretty sweet... but $600 is a little steep for me right now. at that price I could almost buy a 1.5 vented and standard and solve all my problems. I appreciate the suggestion, and may look to a Shook mesh in the future.
  15. Tmadz thanks for the thoughts.. 20mph is not too unusual here... 10-16 is about the norm though... Getting a mid up front may make more sense then getting it later as a filler. Still debating though...
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