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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Dual line stunt, Large parafoils and line laundry
  • Flying Since
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    Deer Island, Oregon
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    United States
  • Interests
    Dual line stunt, Rev kites, Large parafoils and line laundry
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  1. Yes, I think this thread was from a year and and half ago. The wife and I now have full sets and fly as much as we can!
  2. Yup, Time to put this tread to bed. I think I have found all the sources on the web that I can. Thanks to all for your input!
  3. I have looked at fly market before. Just looked again and found "economy tubes" from china. The .236 at 47.25" is just right for projects that would use 4' tubes. The best you get otherwise is .248, but only 32.5" long. Flymarket pretty much has Goodwinds stock. I was a bit excited to see economy tube offerings at 74+ inches in .236 and .315, that would be great for bigger kites, however the shipping of 5 pc at a cost of 18.75, costs another 43.68 by USPS and 58.68 by UPS because of length. Crazy, yes? To bad the US does not have more options or production in fiberglass tube. I will probably order some of the 47.25" stock as it is the best option in a smaller diameter, but it's sad to have to buy from China so much to find what you need.
  4. Kitesandfunthings: Out of stock on the .230 rods in both 48" and 60" Just what I needed. .196 O.D. x 48" is the longest tube offered, way to small O.D. for building bigger kites. So....no luck there.
  5. Here is the answer to my question from Goodwinds: Hello Alan, Thank you for the inquiry. On the fiberglass tubes, unfortunately, we are tied to the lengths we currently offer. Those tubes are individually made on finite lengths mandrels in a continuous winding/pulling process so that product length is preset, and can’t be altered without spending lots of money in making hundreds of longer mandrels. In fiberglass, yes, the FL 248 is the smallest diameter part we offer. Sincerely, Paul at www.gwcomposites.com and www.goodwinds.com 206-632-6151 1829 Railroad Ave. Mount Vernon, WA 98273
  6. Thanks, I will look into these two places.
  7. Hi, I'm looking for a good source of fiberglass and carbon tubes that are longer then 54" and under 8 ft. It seems tough to find anything on the web that is over 54". Much that I do see is limited to 32" stuff. I know using ferrules can give me enough length for some projects but I don't want to have to do that for every kite I want to build that has a spine and LE of 60" or greater. I have seen all the stuff Goodwinds and a few other sites have. 54" seems to be the limit unless opting for over 8ft stuff that incurs a cost prohibitive shipping fee. Maybe there just isn't much choice out there?
  8. Nice! I would like to get a sled one of these days, but I already have three parafoils and I know the wife feels like that is enough ha, ha!
  9. Sleds are very stable and the larger ones generate quite a bit of pull. I helped a guy bring down a 36 at WSIKF this last year, and was surprised at how much pull it generated. The wind was at 12 - 14 and we used my pulley carriage to walk it down, (It would have been really tough to walk it down by hand). I fly mostly Parafoils for supporting line laundry and have used 300lb ONLY a few times with a smaller 60 sq ft Parafoil. and in lighter wind. I would suggest using no less then 500 lb for the 24 but stronger line is better. I now use 1/8th Amsteel on my lifter kites that is rated at around 2500 lb breaking strength. The 7/64 is rated at 1600 lbs. This stuff is really tough and it is much lighter then braided Dacron. If you are thinking of a sled kite in the size of a 36 or 81 you should think about getting this line to fly with, or at least 1,100 lb braided Dacron.
  10. I know it's probably a long shot, but I would like to buy a Skyburner Ocius SUL. Anyone got an extra?
  11. Your kite is the first one I asked about. I liked the three colors, but I guess you already had it!
  12. I have one line set left for sale. Price drop! Quad line: 4 x 50 feet x 150 lb line on card winder. Laser Pro Gold. Used a few times. $40.00 Dual line: 2x 160 feet x 150 lb on card winder with straps. New line, never used, Laser Pro Gold, perfect for anyone who bought one of the 761 Evidence Laser speed kites and needs a team fly 160 ft set. $75.00 SOLD! price includes shipping. Payment through Paypal.
  13. Yeah, The ever present crease in the top cells, the unreliable flight, the reason I sent it back to Gomberg.......
  14. Kite was returned. The right hand bridle was shortened about 3 inches, (same thing I tried before sending it back) While checking that, I found that the knot was a temporary slip knot that came apart with a slight tug. I re-tied it properly. Took it to WSIKF for a fly. The kite does OK up to about 10mph. After that it starts to lean to the left, just like it always has. It gets worse as the wind picks up and crashes at about 13 mph. I guess I have a kite that has a pretty limited wind window and will fly only in wind between 6 to 10.
  15. I have a question for you guys that have stack line kites. I recently bought a 3 stack HQ Limbo set. Then thinking to add two more, I bought the newer Limbo kites with nicer graphics. The web site said they were the same width, height, but they are not. The newer ones are a bit shorter and the leading edges don't match perfectly with the three original Limbo kites. Has anybody tried running slightly mismatched kites in a train? I can match the tow lines fairly close, so that may not be a big issue, but will the thing fly right with two smaller kites? Run them in front or back of train? Thanks Alan
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