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Mujician last won the day on July 26 2022

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Delta wing (so far!)
  • Flying Since
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    United Kingdom
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  1. Silly question, is there an appropriate time of year for kite flying. I always used to fly kites on holiday - so during the summer and at the beach. I'm looking to get all my kite stuff out and sort through it. I bought some new bits and pieces a year or two ago and never got around to using it. I intend on getting it all out again and sorting through it and working out what I'm supposed to be doing! Many thanks, Ben
  2. Hi, I'd really like to buy a large single line kite and have it attached to the ground by an anchor or stake. I know there are various kinds around but I wonder if there is a best type or make to get, and how do I actually tie or attach the kite line to the anchor. Many thanks
  3. Mujician


    Okay, I don't know what half the words you guys are saying mean. So I'm guessing I don't need it. However, I'm going to do my best and try and do as much flying as possible so I'll come back and read this thread when the time comes! Thanks folks!
  4. Is there a recommended string length for a kite? I have an HQ symphony 1.3. Its the smallest of their 'power' kites. I have lots the handles and so my new straps and line has arrived and I wondered how long I should measure the string. Many thanks, Ben
  5. Mujician


    Thanks Hadge. That's great. But I'm afraid I don't know if I need it or not! I don't have any powerful kites or four line kites yet. I have just re-handled a cheap stunt kite and my mini single line kite. What do you think?
  6. Mujician


    Damn autocorrect! Sleeving, not sledging!
  7. Mujician


    Could someone please explain what sledging is for and where I can get some if I need it?
  8. I'm at a fairly basic level with my kite flying. I own a Spirit of Air 'Sabre', and a Brookite 'Black Hawk'. Last year I discovered how much fun it was to simply 'hover' the Black Hawk at the edge of the wind. Apart from that I can make them do the usual figure 8s but nothing fancy. The small kite I have (Sabre) has some difficulty getting up in light winds. I wonder if anyone has any adjustment tips for me to get it flying in lighter winds. Or could you point me in the right direction online to find out about bridle adjustment? Many thanks, Ben
  9. I have an HQ Symphony 1.3 so its only a small parafoil. Unfortunately, I've lost the handles. What line strength would anyone recommend for this kite? Many thanks.
  10. Mujician


    Ah, okay, so leading edge refers to only one side of the kite then? I was actually looking on that site at buying 3 HQ dancers. Bad idea?
  11. Mujician


    Thanks, thats cool. Hinkley's not too far from me. Could you tell me what is meant by the leading edge? On a diamond kite would that be the two lengths that make the two shortest edges combined? Why do you say that cheap kites aren't suitable? Thanks for your help
  12. Hi, I realise revolutions have been around for quite some time now, but I don't know anything about them. Are they all made the same way? Or do some differ slightly to others? Only reason for asking is I've seen videos of people flying them indoors with great ease. Is there a special kind of indoors revolution?
  13. Mujician


    Hi there, this is my first post, so just saying 'Hi'. I'm also looking for a little info about kite string. I was given a rather sweet micro box kite, I haven't flown it yet because the string it came with is just like cotton. The last time I flew a kite with string like that it climbed about half way up the wind window and both line broke! I wanted to see I could get some stronger line for it. However I'm guessing that such a small kite would struggle to lift if the line is too heavy? Is that correct? I've seen some online listings of kite string and it is labelled firstly by length then by weight. Am I correct in assuming this weight is the breaking strain of the string? What would you advise for such a small kite? Finally, I'm really keen to get a kite stack - I was just going to see about getting three cheap-o diamond kites - how do I attach each kite to the other? Or is it not done like that?, do companies sell ready made kite stacks? I'm in the Uk by the way (Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire border) - I'd love to learn from experienced kite flyers in my area if there are any!
  14. Welcome to the forums Mujician, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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