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Everything posted by kytgrl

  1. I'm here! I started flying team with my husband and another couple and have been flying ever since, over 12 years now, team, pairs, dual-line, quad-line, indoor, outdoor, single-line, you name it. Love to be outdoors flying. There's not a lot of us, but we're mighty powerful. Donna
  2. If you're a good boy, Ben, I might let you fly it the next time I see you ;-) I can't wait to get it!!! Donna
  3. I couldn't type enough back to John in the middle of the depo. Picture this. I'm a court reporter, and we're in the middle of a depo. The attorneys go off the record and get into a deep discussion. Court reporter is bored, so she checks her e-mail on her phone. There's a note from Kitelife saying "Congrats." What did I do??? Oh, wait a minute. I think there was a drawing with the donations :-) Of course, this time I didn't even pay attention to that because I never win anything. Could it be???? Attorneys still talking. I click the link to the forum. I WON a ZEN!!!! OMG!!!!! I can't believe it. I'm trying not to scream or jump, but I'm doing my happy dance in my chair. Attorneys still talking, so I quickly drop a note to John telling him how excited I am. Then the magic words from the attorneys come "Back on the Record." What a day!!! Made my day. It's a great slightly early birthday present too. Only problem is that we just hit the WINDY season here. Ugh!! Instead of what most kiters do in waiting for wind, I'll be waiting on No wind LOL Thanks so much. I can't wait to get it. But also, I am really thrilled that John is getting his video camera to continue with the tutorials. I think that's the greatest idea ever. I've already been sharing the link with all our Rev flyers down here. It is something that all flyers will be able to use time and time again. Thanks for putting those together, John and TK!!! Donna
  4. David, Thanks so much for putting in so much extra time to get the daily updates of nationals online for us. It's the next best thing to being there. It was great to see the pics and read about all the stuff going on out there. I know it's a lot of work, and I don't want you to think it goes unappreciated. It's great to have for those of us sitting at home and working instead of being with you guys having all the fun. Great job!!!! Donna
  5. Just wanted to share some pictures from the festival we had on South Padre Island Feb. 2-3. I thought maybe some of you that had to go back home to snow would enjoy remembering how warm you were for a few days. It was great seeing everyone. Mark your calendars for next year. It's always the first weekend in February!!! There are three folders of pictures, one for each day of events. Here's the link: http://community.webshots.com/user/kytgrl?...on=publicAlbums Enjoy, Donna McCown
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