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Found 8 results

  1. World Wide KAP Week - #WWKW2019 - is on, and we flew our camera in difficult, turbulent conditions with the wind way too strong for our venerable Rokkaku ... This session in Tivoli park, Ljubljana, didn't produce exceptional photos, but every KAP is a good KAP, right? Check out the full set on our KAP website! 😉
  2. Have to share this ... Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, as seen from a kite: https://kapjasa.wixsite.com/kap-jasa/single-post/2019/03/11/Ljubljana-Beloved
  3. "How high are you?" "No, officer - it's 'Hi, how are you?' ..." Double KAP session above Ljubljana marshes ... first we let Nikon fly, and then we went for altitude with lighter Canon A810 ... :-) More photos from both can be found on our website! ;-)
  4. We flew our kite above one of the largest intermittent lakes in Europe, Lake Cerknica, a Ramsar and Natura2000 site. This lake is very good at playing "now you see me, now you don't" - check the full story on our website! ;-) Shot with Nikon 1 J1 on a Great White Delta.
  5. Well, this is a bit embarrasing - being the only one spamming this KAP forum - but it's actually you who don't fly, don't shoot and don't post, so you should be embarrased! ;-) This is a photo from a KAP session above Strunjan salt pans, Slovenia - the northernmost salt pans in the Mediterranean. Check the full story at our website! :-)
  6. Kite science: how to defend fragile habitats against invasive weeds - with a kite! Aerial photos cah help in assesing the number of invasive plants in an ecosystem. Kite aerial photos even more so, as the kite is way eco friendly than other alternatives ... you just don't go buzzing above an important habitat scaring the hell out of everyone (especially them protected species)!😉 Check the full story on our KAP Website ... ;-) Che
  7. Kite aerial photo of a cute little church of St. Volbenk (Wolfgang of Regensburg) near Zelše, Slovenia.Could st. Volbenk be a patron saint of kite flyers? See the whole KAP session and learn more about the church and the saint on our KAP website!
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