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Found 10 results

  1. Not quite new to kiting, but looking to buy my first kite in about 20 years! I live in an area with average wind speeds between ~8-12 km/h (~5-7.5 mph). I plan to mostly fly on sports fields (and maybe the odd parking lot), and am looking for something smaller in size (<1.8 m/70"). Options in South Africa are pretty limited, but a local store has the HQ Flow (at a very decent price too!) I'm not familiar with HQ, but their kites look quite capable from the few YouTube videos I've watched. So my questions are: how sturdy is the Flow is (i.e., will it survive the occasional nose dive into a soccer pitch), or should I be looking for something a bit more durable (e.g., HQ Limbo II, etc.)? Thanks in advance!
  2. ACrop

    SUL vs Indoor

    So I ran a forum search and couldn't figure this out...so here I am asking for help, lots of questions but one main idea - what is an SUL really?: What is the difference between an indoor quad and an SUL? What makes an SUL different than a standard? Can I take a standard and change/tweek some stuff and end up with a SUL sail - or is the sail itself too heavy or is the sail geometry different? Is an SUL just an indoor flown outside when there is no wind?? I know that there are times when there is not enough wind to keep my standard afloat without lots of work....and that is ok. But I keep hearing about SUL but I don't know what that really means. Not looking for an equipment fix to the no wind issue, just trying to educate myself as to what the consensus is on terms.
  3. Sorry to ask this question,.. where's the best place to unload a couple of great kites that I don't even carry anymore? Race frames on both, french bridle on 1 and the 1point6 bridle on the other (they were used with four kite comparison testing sessions), magic sticks on both, SUL leading edge sleeves, some wear, but no sail damage of any kind. They have been greatly loved and cared for, now someone else needs a turn. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200814036865492&set=t.1079141123&type=3&theater
  4. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    A great shot showing the truss network of the French bridle and Magic sticks.
  5. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Just giving it a little swim. The rods can handle it!
  6. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Only the LE is visible.
  7. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Pimped out 1.5 SUL with a frenchie, sticks and diamonds.
  8. Went for a Friday Fliday Fly with SparkieRob, Did a little bit of Stack Flying, but as it got later, the wind got lighter. So out came the SUL's. and when it got darker, we had to make the Kites "Lighter".... Here are some pics of SparkieRob's SUL with Lights on.
  9. West Australian

    SUL And ZEN

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    The SUL is mine (Left) The Zen belongs to Visiting Flyer Chris.
  10. From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    I Like it
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