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UK options for replacement rods?


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Hey all!

Bit of a long time lurker on this forum now and then - enjoyed all the advice here. Finally time to register as I have a question!

I've had an old Rev EXP for absolutely ages (I think some 20 years now) and recently decided to spoil myself and get a new custom made quad from someone in Spain. The kite is amazing, however in my eagerness to fly it I took it out it slightly strong (and pretty gusty) conditions and managed to shatter one of the verticals mid-air putting it through some rapid turns.

I've suddenly realised I have no clue where is a good deal to get new rods from - the set that came with it were skyshark and briefly looking online I'm not finding a lot of options in the UK that don't seem to be quite expensive.

What do people recommend? Is there a good alternative? I'd be keen to get both a light and heavy set.


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Ah that's perfect thanks! I did wonder if there was anywhere to buy cheaper blemished ones too (I can see they're available sometimes in the US stores). I managed to find both halves of the rod too so I was tempted to try ferruling it and see how it lasted - I see they sell the solid parts for that too.

I'm based near Hampstead Heath at the moment but was wondering about trying out Blackheath - hadn't realised the Decorators were from there! It was seeing them display when I was young that made me first want a quad.

Dunstable Downs looks good too. I don't have a car at the moment and looks a bit of a trek by public transport but you never know! 

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