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Go Fly a Kite's Thunder kite


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I'm a total newbie, but I have a question. I recieved a Go Fly A Kite's Thunder stunt kite from my mother-in-law. I've flown it once in gusty winds. It was fun, but after reading through the forum I'm wondering if it's a good kite or not. I've been flying regular single line plastics kites a lot this spring with our youngest daughter and the mother-in-law got this kite because she thought our daughter would like to see it fly. I think I could probably get into stunt kites on a small scale, but I'm wondering if this kite is worth using or if I would be better off taking it back. Thanks for any help.

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I've never flown that kite, but ya know, if it flies, its a worth while kite. If you get enjoyment out of it? Extra bonus. :)

I've recently got into stunt flying, and have a Cherry Bomb kite by New Tech Kites. Its a good beginner stunt kite for getting into simple tricks. Its supposed to be designed for wear and tear and nose dives galore. lol I've got about 12 hours of flying out of it before the fabric nose ripped, exposing the spine in all its glory. Easy fix though.

If you're thinking about getting into stunt flying, I would suggest something a little more durable, like the Cherry Bomb.

Hope thats of some help m8.

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