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A kite from an Umbrella


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I've a really nice umbrella (rainbow colours) ..well its no longer an umbrella (but its still nice) as it suffered badly one gusty day and blew inside out.

So been googling (for what seems like eons) for plans to turn an umbrella in a kite. But something thats in the shape of an umbrella if you get me. I thought I caught a glimpse of one many years ago, thought it might have been in kitelines or SKQ but all I can find is umbrella kites in the Ads in a couple of issues of either.

So can anyone put me out of my misery and point me in the right direction, please.


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Thanks Tom,

Yeah interesting alright. I hadn't even thought of that approach to tell the truth.

Not that I want a kite that I can use as an umbrella but you know when you know you've seen something somewhere and can't remember where ^_^

Maybe I should just start experimenting a little bit more with the umbrella and see can I get something going myself.

Will report back.


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