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MrDenny has the courage to fly with me again...heehee! And we are going to be Rev. flying at Round Island Park probably on April 17th or 18th...the exact date & time is uncertain yet...but, if there are any Rev. flyers out there between Cocoa Beach & West Palm Beach (or any place else for that matter) that would like to join us, you can contact MrDenny or myself and we'll tell you when it will happen. My e-mail address is SPAMGuru4tru@aol.com (remove "SPAM" from the email address before sending anything)....the more the merrier!! ;)

Keep It Up!



As it turns out, I'll be in Florida that weekend but not arriving in Ft Lauderdale til about 1PM on the 17th.

Unfortunately that is approx 2 plus hours south of where you guys will be flying in Ft Pierce and thus, I don't think I'll be able to join you given the time constraints I'll have while there.

Perhaps if Mr Denny could travel further south and you could pick a location substantially closer (say an hour) to Ft Lauderdale, I might be able to make it.

If not, no worries and have an awesome time!!!!!!


Hi "quaa714",

I communicate with MrDenny through this forum and I sent him a message, either him or I will get back with you on that.


Florida's been pretty nice & windy lately, you'll enjoy your stay here, I'm sure!

Keep It Up!



Hey!! MrDenny & quaa714,

This IS GREAT!! I've found THE beach to fly at:

Playalinda Beach is in Brevard County and located within the Cape Canaveral National Seashore and one of the few beaches in Florida where nude sunbathing is still a practice. Some people visit Playalinda out of curiosity to see if what they’ve heard is correct. What I will tell is that Florida law does not allow nudity in public places. There is an ordinance for Brevard County against nudity on the books but I guess it is not enforced and nude sunbathing is still going on. My advice is that if nude sunbathing offends you, just don’t go there. ;)

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