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Sometimes the other end of the strings are just as entertaining

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I enjoy the other end very much so... sometimes i feel bad when I stop flying to take pics and video or kap :) but it as much fun for me grabbing those moments as being involved...sometimes more so.

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I find those "alone times" are great. Early in the morning or late in the day at gatherings. Find your favorite pilot and snap away as they get jiggy with it.

I have had some great smiles of joy from watching someone you normally don't see moving around a lot. All of a sudden they are in there moment and dancing and flying..truly feeling the moment. This goes for Pros to novice fliers.

I remember watching Barresi at my first clinic on a short..me time.. flight. Just amazing...then turn around and see a 9 year old getting down with the biggest grin. It's priceless my friend. ;)

Every time I attend a gathering or just fly with someone else. There are mental pictures that stick with me....fragments in time that I enjoy over and over.

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