29 files
intermediate Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip
By John Barresi
Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one exploring the methodology and application of handle grip, body position and posture, as well as hand and arm position.One of the keys to successful Rev flying is being relaxed and comfortable, using hand and arm positions which grant you the most leverage with the least effort.
NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV.
English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture & Grip French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip2,057 downloads
- ergonomics
- efficiency
- (and 1 more)
intermediate Rev Tutorial - Side Slide
By John Barresi
Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing the Side Slide from both the upright and inverted orientations.Side Slides make an excellent transition movement between other maneuvers, and it's a lot of fun to slide right above the ground, apparently breaking the laws of physics.
NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV.
English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide1,023 downloads
beginner Rev Tutorial - Line Weight & Length
By John Barresi
This tutorial explains some of the dynamics of line weight and length selection on Revolution kites This is one of those topics where there is no right way, and we hope the information contained in this video help you experiment and find your own favorite(s).
NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV.
advanced Rev Tutorial - Axel
By John Barresi
The basic Rev axel, performed with a Revolution 1.5 in 3-4 mph winds. In this case, the trick is demonstrated in a left to right inverted hover using the new Barresi Signature Series Rev, with a 3 wrap frame.
NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV.
File Reviews
Redangel 2
Super helpful for a newer pilot. Always start with theory. -
I have just received my first Djinn vented including the Pro Handles. I tried to fly with too little wind with no effect.
With wind 6-15 brilliant. Messing around with leader lengths found what I considered a good starting point.
Problem_ I have small hands, my middle fingers will not grip the handle (Duy...... Syndrome.) Trying to use JB,s Hand positions becomes difficult-
If I place thumb on top of the handle my index fingers above the foam grip. I then lower my index finger my thumb is then on the back of the top tube. I can use my ring and little finger to hold the Foam. At present I am tempted to fashion a moulded thumb rest on the back face of the top tube.
With the grip I am using I am able to give brake input Sideways 0-80 so I am towards JB,s ideal
Any views on fashioning extra moulding on handles? Or any solutions to my Grip style
I was flying my Barresi Signature Series 1.5 Rev. In the past I used to tighten the brake lines rather than lengthen the top lines.
Having watched the video, I added 13" graphite handles and added My home made top leaders ( Toal length 6" knotted 1" gaps.
Wind was 1to 3 mph. On 12'' handles with equal leaders the kite took off OK and was manouvrable.
On changing Handles to 13" and using full extension top leaders it was immediately noticeable that there was more control,
and I was able to use the handles in the More horizontal attitude rather than the upright hold. I definitely recommend that top leaders are used. I will need to practice this in future.
I suffer from some arthritis in my hands and fingers so was sceptical that balancing on the fingers would work. I was pleasantly surprised and with more practice perhaps a step up to ???
Bunduki Vlieger 168
Looked at it again after quite a while. And learned something again.
Phil 3
The ending slides <key concepts/points> are good