@Paul LaMasters
I know where you are coming from aesthetics wise and you are right.. Consider here though, I'm looking at the minor differences in airflow where a lap that goes with the airflow like a scale will be restricted less than a lap that has an edge along with the stitching..
With this many panels (close to 180), I might be able to incur different coefficients of drag depending on wind direction in the sail aspect.. Just starting this exercise. The Hive had a very slight forward bias. There should be slightly more drag than normal when inverted. I'm hoping that very minor difference emphasizes the feel of the sail in the inverted position. This one is more of an overall balance but with an angular bias from center along the diagonals outward and downward. I'm hoping to channel the air differently and learn more of the aerodynamics affected.
There aren't too many people that would be able to tell the difference but you would for sure.. Really hoping to get together sometime and get your honest opinion of some of my refinements after flying them.