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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2019 in all areas

  1. 2,057 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one exploring the methodology and application of handle grip, body position and posture, as well as hand and arm position.One of the keys to successful Rev flying is being relaxed and comfortable, using hand and arm positions which grant you the most leverage with the least effort. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture & Grip French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip
    1 point
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