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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2020 in all areas

  1. I find it very interesting how each of you have a different perspective on the bicycle, describing it slightly different but with the same result. I am finding it is little things that make the difference. Each one has helped me. Thank You! Wish I could have one of you standing next to me for about an hour. Would probably save me a month of practice!!!! (BUT.... I do enjoy the practice!)
    1 point
  2. When purchasing your standard Fulcrum, be sure to buy the UL frame as well to compliment the standard frame. That being said, the only pieces I have broken over the last 16 months with my Fulcrum are the Nitro Lite tubes which make up the outer spars of the UL frame. One was broken by gusty winds in the mountains of N.C., the other by my rough handling of the tube. Get yourself a spare Nitro Lite tube and ferrule with your order. There are two different diameter sail standoffs, qty 2 each, that come with the kite. You might ask for one of each size to act as backup in case you misplace them. All other frame components are sewn into the sail. The most important thing to remember with your Fulcrum is to make sure you get the tubes seated deeply into the T fittings on the outer spars when assembling the kite. I always assemble the kite, pop it into the air, fly back and forth a couple times, set it down and go double check the assembly to insure that the frame is seated deep into the rubber T fittings. I’ve enjoyed my Fulcrum. It’s unique shape attracts attention, I can yank and bank with it, and with the UL frame there is always enough wind to fly. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  3. I agree when it comes to the side slides, especially upwards vertically – you simply don’t come very high up in the wind window with the Fulcrum. However I do not agree when it comes to the axels. The Fulcrum (with its 3D sail) is forgiving when doing e.g. (quad) axels - it will not fall out of the sky on slack lines or hardly ever get tangled even when provoked. I was soon axel cascading at a time when I could hardly do one axel on a rev. You can even do DLK-like half axels with most of the feeling preserved. If trying to to do the corresponding thing with a 1.5 rev it is more like you emulate it needing to help it all the way through the DLK half axle imitation. Flipping it (as in part of a flic-flac), turtle and flaring it etc is not easy for me – have only more or less accidentally managed it a few times, but then I can’t flic-flac a rev yet. On the other hand, in light wind, a DLK-like pop-up launch (which involves some flipping) is quite easy to do (if you are used to do it with DLKs at least I suppose). Losing track of what was LE and TE occasionally happened during the first few sessions, but that problem disappeared after 5-10 sessions or so.
    1 point
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