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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2020 in all areas

  1. I'm thinking we have presumed that the frame configurations we most often use in a particular wind speed range would be coupled with the sail that would be most appropriate for that range. For instance, I believe no one thinks that one would be using an extra vent in a 2-mph wind. Even a mid vent in 2-mph is more work than most people care to do. The only Revs I would even consider for that task would be the SUL or the Zen, and compared to my home-made EUL's (extremely ultra light), even the both of those are bricks. I think we are assuming that those who join in this discussion are no longer flying a full-sail in 25-mph wind, and are familiar with selecting the appropriate sail for existing conditions. Just for grins I'm posting this range chart as a reference of common sail range. If anyone would care to, please do comment on whether you would agree with the general ranges stated. These are more field tested rather than factory recommended ranges that I have gleaned from other flyers over a few years that are an average of the data I gathered.
    1 point
  2. Very Light Wind (0-2.5 mph): Diamond, P90 Light Wind(2.5-5 mph): Diamond, 2-wrap, P100 Medium Wind(5-10 mph): Black Race, 2-wrap, p200 High Wind(10-15 mph): Black Race, Green Race, 3-wrap, P300 Heavy Wind(15-25 mph): Green Race, 4-wrap, P400 Extreme Wind(25+ mph): SLE, 4-wrap, 2+3-wrap, P400 These are what I will start with depending on the sail. If the kite does not respond as I wish, I will use a hybrid to achieve what I'm looking for. If the wind is gusting above the average I go heavier on the mid-section of the leading edge. If the wind is fading below the average, lighter. I usually match the uprights to the mid-section of the LE. I use the stock frames in the Zen and the II's, and the Speed Series kites. I do not use magic sticks, but would go one step lighter whenever possible if I did use them. To be perfectly honest, I'm lazy, and most of the time I use the frame that is in the sail I choose to fly. I have my kites set up for specific wind conditions and just grab the one that most closely matches the conditions. I usually will switch kites if I don't like what is happening, and won't change the frame unless I find the wind to be truly annoying. In super-heavy, extreme winds, I will double up the LE or use the SLE leading edge.
    1 point
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