Very Light Wind (0-2.5 mph): Diamond, P90
Light Wind(2.5-5 mph): Diamond, 2-wrap, P100
Medium Wind(5-10 mph): Black Race, 2-wrap, p200
High Wind(10-15 mph): Black Race, Green Race, 3-wrap, P300
Heavy Wind(15-25 mph): Green Race, 4-wrap, P400
Extreme Wind(25+ mph): SLE, 4-wrap, 2+3-wrap, P400
These are what I will start with depending on the sail. If the kite does not respond as I wish, I will use a hybrid to achieve what I'm looking for. If the wind is gusting above the average I go heavier on the mid-section of the leading edge. If the wind is fading below the average, lighter. I usually match the uprights to the mid-section of the LE. I use the stock frames in the Zen and the II's, and the Speed Series kites. I do not use magic sticks, but would go one step lighter whenever possible if I did use them.
To be perfectly honest, I'm lazy, and most of the time I use the frame that is in the sail I choose to fly. I have my kites set up for specific wind conditions and just grab the one that most closely matches the conditions. I usually will switch kites if I don't like what is happening, and won't change the frame unless I find the wind to be truly annoying. In super-heavy, extreme winds, I will double up the LE or use the SLE leading edge.