Looking for trouble - found the 540 deg backwards ladder down
The Rev B-series full vent with 4wrap spars.
The setting
Back to for the day windy pier. Almost all boats had been moved from the harbor (end of season) - there were no persons there. For the last three weekends I have not left the garden at home, since I have been handling the (fire)wood after having had almost all branches of an old(~150 year) common ash tree taken down. I.e. no kiting in a while.
The session
The main drill of the day.
Today I used the full vent B-series with four wrap spars. The new main drill of the day was a backwards ladder down with 540 deg wing tip pivots. It was a good drill that even made the kite fall out of the sky a few times. Yes this was the case at least for the 540 deg backwards pivots around the right wing tip. The 180 degrees pivots worked, the 360 worked rather OK, while the (uncommon) 540 deg turned out to be a challenge. A bit surprising, but I guess that when leaving your usual “autopilot stuff” you find the challenges. I’ll should also try this in a future more medium wind session where the grip on the handles can be more relaxed.
The method
The 540 deg backwards wingtip downwards were made using the familiar method/sensation of actively flying the wing backwards during the wing tip pivot and letting the increased pressure fill you hand during the pivot. The pressure should stop abruptly just as the pivot stops abruptly.
Non-intentional landing. The brake lines went around/over the edge of the pier, thus effectively shortened, so it didn’t take off even with the LE up.
How is it compared to you other gliders (if not to early to form an opinion)?