I would recommend 50# line instead of 90#. Even a beginner with a light wind kite will notice the difference . I really enjoy the 120’ foot set as it’s such a larger wind window, and gives beginners a larger area for recovery. My somewhat sketchy opinion....fly on...... Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
Ok, the stack lines are about three feet, then the last two have 12-18 inches added with the last adjusted to give more brake to keep the stack tight. I’ll try to get pictures next time I set it up. Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
I understand, this is my go to light wind flyer! So faster is never much of an option. I even understand the flow over the leading edge , just agreeing with Riffclown on what I hear often....a kite can’t do that.... Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
I have a printed sail form OSKUSA, I’ll try to post a picture I heard the same thing, it won’t fly backwards well. Well it does, so please stop telling my kite it can’t do that while it’s doing that Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
The SAC museum is a kite friendly venue! Right off I 80 at the Ashland exit , Hwy 66 Very kite friendly Ask for Mark! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
Yes, several line sets now......didn’t think they would make as much difference! Really enjoying the 30’ 50# lines....no wind no problem..... Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
Liking the input! Think I’m going to make more effort to switch with wind and kite for more or les wind .....good reason to set up more than one kite! Win win! Sent from my iPad using KiteLife mobile app
I looked and searched and didn’t find an answer.....
I have both 15&13 in handles for my revs.....I notice very little differences between, slightly less movement required with the 15 s
Is it preference or?
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Visiting Iowa for the next week....anyone around Iowa city or Bettendorf . I would love to meet some flyers there. Fly on!
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