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Pete Gow

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Everything posted by Pete Gow

  1. Congratulations Michael
  2. Happy to be a subscriber after being just a browser for so long and having access to all the extra features. Thank you John for the number.
  3. Hi Kev and other UK members. Late on the scene with this one but it's great seeing how far JW has come from only a short while ago. I live in Lydney, Gloucestershire on the edge of the Forest of Dean and have recently started flying in a small field close to the River Severn that seems to offer smoother winds than other locations around my town. Happy to fly anything but enjoying my Rev 1.5 and XE almost too much. Just need more time to fly like a lot of others. Pete
  4. Thank you SHBKF and John. If it flies then I try and fly it hence the mixed bag of kites. The box kite is a cheap one from a supermarket and flies quite well, I am going to modify it slightly as it doesn't use a bridle the line attaches straight onto the sail and it's not as stable as I hoped it would be. I've been flying kites on and off since about 1974/5 and made hundreds of trash bag sleds with scout groups in the past couple of years. Pete
  5. Hi all just thought I would pop in and say hello from Lydney, Gloucestershire U.K And an Image from last year of a few of my kites
  6. Hi all. Thought I would introduce myself. I live in Lydney, Gloucestershire U.K Been flying kites since i was about 7 so that would be about 1975. I have been through the Peter Powell stuntkites, the good old Barnstormers with a huge tail and a pic of a biplane on it, right through to my current but ancient Rev1.5. Other hobbies include Amateur Radio, Astronomy, Cycling, Radio controlled helis, gliders, Planes, gliders, cars, boats etc I'm also a beaver scout (6-8year olds) leader and help out at cubs and scouts on average with scouting I get to help make about 300 kites a year, when I say help to make I mean I cut out all the skins, bridles and put the line onto homemade winders. I think that might be enough waffle from me. Pleased to be on this forum and I can see some exciting winter projects within the various posts. May the breeze be forever right and lines tight. Pete
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